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883920217615Unit of Study Guide

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883920217615Unit of Study Guide

00Unit of Study Guide

Unit Code and Title BUS500 Business and Management in Context

Course(s) Graduate Certificate in Business

Graduate Diploma in Business

Master of Business

Core or Elective Core:

Graduate Certificate in Business

Graduate Diploma in Business

Master of Business (all streams)

Credit Points 6 credit points

Duration 12 teaching weeks

This unit consists of one 2-hour workshop class each week. A 1-hour recorded lecture of the topic content is also available on Moodle.

AQF Level 9

Student Workload Students should expect to spend approximately 120 hours on learning activities across the study period. This includes time spent attending scheduled classes, undertaking private study, preparing assessments, and completing examinations.

Essential Requirement Access to internet, PIA Moodle, Microsoft Office and Zoom to attend lectures and complete invigilated assessment tasks

Mode(s) of Delivery Flexible learning and innovative use of digital technologies

This unit is delivered in online mode which includes:

Weekly 2-hour workshop classes and 1 hour recorded pre-learning lecture of the weeks topic content.

Pre-Requisites No pre-requisites

Unit Coordinator Dr Faisal Wali

Contact Information : faisal@pia.edu.au

: + 61

Consultation - Day: by appointment

Unit Description

This unit provides students with the opportunity to build a strong theoretical and practical sense of their own management practice. The unit takes students to the heart of the changing context for managers, addressing issues of personal practice, organisational design, culture, decision making, power and politics. By analysing workplace decisions, students will be able to problem solve issues and apply their expert knowledge of management processes. This unit promotes critical reflection as a core skill to uncovering the opportunities to improve organisational performance in a variety of organisational contexts. There are three assessment tasks directly linked to the students' own organisational and management experience.

Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs)

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

ULO1Demonstrate an advanced and integrated knowledge of management behaviour, activities and frameworks and the ability to apply these to an organisational context.

ULO2 Demonstrate an expert understanding of management processes relevant to organisational design decisions which deliver organisational performance.

ULO3 Use a range of cognitive, communication and research skills to investigate, analyse, synthesise and reflect critically on management theory and practice.

ULO4 Work independently and/or collaboratively to complete activities to enhance professional knowledge and skills; and

ULO5 Demonstrate the ability to identify and reflect on a range of ethical, cultural or social issues impacting on the practice of managing people and organisations.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Successful completion of this unit will contribute to the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

CLO1Critically evaluate a range of core and contemporary concepts and theories of organisations and their management.

CLO2Analyse and synthesise information and be able to critique and effectively communicate in a business and management context.

CLO3Apply concepts, theories, and experience to business problems and propose sustainable solutions demonstrating initiative, creativity and social responsibility.

CLO4Develop insight into the management of people and leadership development.

CLO5 Communicate professionally and proficiently to business and non-business audiences.

Graduate Attributes (GAs)

Successful completion of this unit will contribute to the following PIA Graduate Attributes (GAs):

GA1 Communicate effectively in a diverse range of professional or community context.

GA2 Complete work tasks and assignments independently or as an effective member of multidisciplinary teams.

GA3 Engage in and value life-long learning leading to the enhancement of professional knowledge and skills.

GA4 Are information and technology literate.

GA5 Respond appropriately to a changing workforces, cultures and values reflecting a global work environment.

GA6 Demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making abilities essential to contributing soundly to the resolution of issues confronting organisations.

GA7 Facilitate intellectual curiosity.

GA8 Act in an ethical manner in all aspects of professional life.

Learning and Teaching Approach

Learning and teaching in this unit applies the Institutes model of providing transformational learning experiences that are student-centred, collaborative, active, reflective and applied. Key themes embedded into the resources, challenges and assessments are ethical practice, sustainability, evidence-based decision making and real-world applications. Completion of the learning activities for each week will give students the discipline knowledge and skills required to complete the assessments. Successful completion of all assessments demonstrates that the unit learning outcomes have been achieved. Additional support to further enhance students academic skills is available from the Academic Enhancement team.

Expectations of Students

Students are expected to:

Prepare for scheduled classes by completing assigned activities.

Attend at least 80% of scheduled classes.

Actively participate in class activities

Seek clarification and advice from teaching staff as needed.

Attempt all assessments.

Submit assessments on time.

Review and reflect on feedback on assessments and seek clarification about feedback where needed.

Notify the lecturer and / or unit coordinator if unable to attend classes and/or submit assessments.

Completion of the learning activities for each week will give students the discipline knowledge and skills required to complete the assessments. Successful completion of all assessments demonstrates that the unit learning outcomes have been achieved.

Schedule of Learning and Teaching Activities

Topic Learning Activities Readings

Week 1 Unit Overview and Introduction Concepts

Changing world of management

Evolution in management


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 1 and 2

Week 2 The Environment of Management 1 Concepts

Corporate Culture

The global environment


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 3 and 4

Week 3 The Environment of Management 2 Concepts

Ethics and CSR


New ventures


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 5 and 6

Week 4 Planning 1 Concepts


Goal setting



Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 7 and 8

Week 5 Planning 2 Concepts


Decision making


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 8 and 9

Week 6 Organising 1 Concepts

Organisational structures


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 10 and 11

Week 7 Organising 2 Concepts

Human resources



Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 12 and 13

Week 8 Leading 1 Concepts

Human behaviour

Leading vs leadership


Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 14 and 15

Week 9 Leading 2 Concepts

Motivation and reward



Uploaded on Moodle Chapters 16 and 17

Week 10 Teams Concepts



Uploaded on Moodle Chapter 18

Week 11 Controlling 1 Concepts



Uploaded on Moodle Chapter 19

Week 12 Controlling 2 Concepts

Value teams

Effective Management


Uploaded on Moodle Chapter 20 and Capstone Chapter

Assessment Information

Below is a Summary of assessments tasks required in this unit.

For full details of each assessment task, including instructions, see the Assessment Brief for this unit on Moodle.

Assessment Task Weighting Due Length ULO CLO GA

Assessment 1: (Invigilated)

Quiz 1 (10%)

Quiz 2 (15%)

Quiz 3 (15%) 40% Quiz 1 - Week 3

Quiz 2 Week 8

Quiz 3 week 12 Each Quiz length - 30 mins 1 to 5 1,2,3,4 GA 1 -8

Assessment 2 (major task): Group case study plus video recorded presentation 30% (20% written + 10% presentation) Sunday of Week 9 Written Report 2500 words Plus Video recording of PowerPoint Presentation

(10-15 slides,

8-10 minutes) 1 to 5 1,2,3,4

GA 1 -8

Assessment 3 (major task): Individual Essay 30% Sunday of week 11

2,000 words 1 to 4 1,2,3,4

GA 1 -8

right255270Prescribed Resources:

D. Samson, T. Donnet, R. Daft (2021) Management, 7th Edition, Cengage ISBN 9780170444040

Materials and Equipment you cannot use your mobile phone as a calculator in examinations.

Access to the internet

Microsoft Office

00Prescribed Resources:

D. Samson, T. Donnet, R. Daft (2021) Management, 7th Edition, Cengage ISBN 9780170444040

Materials and Equipment you cannot use your mobile phone as a calculator in examinations.

Access to the internet

Microsoft Office


Requirements to Pass a Unit

Students should note the following requirements to pass a unit (as set out in PIAs Assessment Policy).

The following need to be met:

All assessment tasks MUST be attempted (you must submit an attempt); and

In units that have a final examination, a minimum mark of 40% must be achieved.

Units where assessment tasks are not attempted and/or a mark of less than 40% will be given a Fail (F) grade.


Students are required to participate in all collaborative work, group work and work integrated activities, such as study tours, industry lead activities and open forums, (a) actively, fully, and positively; and (b) in a timely manner. Student contributions to collaborative, group, and work integrated activities must be meaningful, of value to peers, and follow the specifications of the Unit Study Guide.

Academic Misconduct

Ethical conduct and academic integrity and honesty are fundamental to the mission of PIA and academic misconduct will not be tolerated by the Institute. Please refer to the Institutes Academic Integrity Policy for further details.

Academic integrity means putting values into practice by being honest in the academic work you do at the Institute, being fair to others, taking responsibility for learning, and following the conventions of scholarship.It is the responsibility of every student to make sure that they understand what constitutes academic misconduct and to refrain from engaging in it.

For example, cutting and pasting from the Internet and representing this as your own work, is regarded as academic misconduct.

it is your responsibility to ensure that you demonstrate academic integrity.Take the time to find out more by visiting PIAs Policies and Procedures site.

By submitting your assessments, you acknowledge that this is your own work that you have undertaken the assessments yourself and without any assistance from any other person or any website or other resources which are not specifically permitted. Also, you have not shared any aspect of your assessments or answers with other students or provided assistance to them in any way.


PIA has a responsibility to ensure that all students enrolled at the Institute are able to make satisfactory progress through their course, and attending scheduled classes is essential for course progression. For onshore international students maintaining satisfactory attendance in the course and making satisfactory progress with the course are also conditions of the student Visa. PIA therefore monitors the attendance of all students at all scheduled classes and students are required to attend at least 80% of scheduled for units in which they are enrolled, where attendance means that the student is present for the whole duration of the scheduled lecture, tutorial, or seminar class. Students are advised that decisions about the award of supplementary assessments will take into account student attendance.


This unit study guide may be updated and amended from time to time. Any changes to the unit will be notified to students through the Online Learning System (MyPIA) for the unit.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 26th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 40

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