EPR220: Assessment Task 3: Take home exam
EPR220: Assessment Task 3: Take home exam
Please answer all questions in this template. Please write no more than 1 page for each question and start each question on a new page. Diagrams are included in the 1 page but may be scanned or included as a JPEG file.
When you have answered the questions, please submit the file as a word document to the AT3 drop box by Monday 24th October at 3.00 pm (AEDT).
Name: Sara Hart
Student ID: 452873
I have accessed the AT3 recorded webinar and the corresponding Discussion Board forum for questions about AT3.
Signed Sara Hart
(Electronic signature is fine)
Question 1: Place value
One of the big ideas associated with place value is the understanding that 10 of these equals 1 of these.
How might not having this understanding impact upon students ability to operate with numbers?
What would you do to help students develop this big idea?
Consider the work sample below. Diagnose the misconception that the work sample reveals. Explain how you would address this misconception with a student. Your explanation should refer to appropriate materials, correct use of terminology, and include diagrams.
Question 2: Fractions
Clearly differentiate between the area, set, and length models for teaching fractions and provide an example for each.
Look at the work sample below and identify what the misconception is.
Briefly explain the thinking that is likely to be behind this misconception.
What would you do as a teacher to address this misconception? Include reference to appropriate materials, representations, and teaching approaches.
Question 3: Challenging tasks
Explain in your own words what a challenging task is and associated appropriate teaching approaches for implementing challenging tasks in the classroom.
Provide an example of a challenging task that relates to the content strand of either Measurement or Space. Link the task to the appropriate AC:M v.9 content descriptor. Indicate an appropriate year level for the task (EC students should select an early years task) and justify why the task is challenging.
Write an appropriate consolidating, enabling, and extending prompt for your task (total of 3 prompts).
Question 4: Interpret the graph
The graph below contains information about some data that were collected. You need to label all the different features of the graph, identify what the statistical investigation involved and provide some interpretation of the graph.
What is this graph about? Label the different features of the graph with an appropriate title, categories, and scale. Provide an appropriate question that could have guided the statistical investigation and sample population characteristics and numbers.
Provide a question and answer that focuses on reading the data.
Provide a question and answer that focuses on reading within the data.
Provide a question and answer that focuses on reading beyond the data.