LAWS11030 Foundations of Business Law
LAWS11030 Foundations of Business Law
Test Marking Rubric
Demonstrated Student Skills
HD 85%+ Structure: The ideas are arranged in an extremely logical, structured and coherent manner.
Knowledge and argument: Demonstrated a balanced and very high level of detailed knowledge of core concepts by providing a very high level of analysis.
Writing: Quality of writing at a very high standard. Paragraphs are coherently connected to each other. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Referencing: Utilised current and appropriate legal rules and principles from relevant legislation, cases.
D 75-84% Structure: The ideas are arranged in a fairly logical, structured and coherent manner.
Knowledge and argument: Demonstrated a balanced and high level of knowledge of core concepts by providing a high level of analysis.
Writing: Quality of writing is of a high standard. Paragraphs are mostly well structured. Few grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Referencing: Utilised mostly current and appropriate legal rules and principles from relevant legislation, cases.
C 65-74% Structure: The ideas are arranged in a logical, some-what structured and coherent manner.
Knowledge and argument: Demonstrated a good level of knowledge of some of the core concepts by providing some level of analysis.
Writing: Quality of writing is of a good standard. Few grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Referencing: Utilised some current and appropriate legal rules and principles from relevant legislation, cases.
P 50-64% Structure: The ideas appear less logical, structured and presents in fairly incoherent manner.
Knowledge and argument: Demonstrated limited knowledge of core concepts by providing a limited level of analysis.
Writing: Some problems with sentence structure and presentation. Frequent grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes. Use of inappropriate language.
Referencing: Utilised few current and appropriate legal rules and principles from relevant legislation, cases.
F Below 50% Structure: There was no coherent structure to the answers.
Knowledge and argument: Demonstrated little or no knowledge of the core concepts with extremely limited analysis.
Writing: Quality of writing is at a very poor standard. Many spelling mistakes and no evidence of proof reading.
Referencing: Utilised few and sometimes no current and appropriate legal rules and principles from relevant legislation, cases.