NURS 3045 Nursing Context of Practice: Primary Health CareAssessment 1: ePortfolio part one
NURS 3045 Nursing Context of Practice: Primary Health CareAssessment 1: ePortfolio part one
Local Australian community geographical location
The Playford City Council is one of the fastest growing councils in South Australia. It is a local government area (LGA) located in the northern suburbs of Adelaide S.A., which homes 94,000 culturally diverse residents. The Playford City Council is comprised of a mayor and fifteen councillors. 2. Identifying and analysing of the problem
The City of Playford in 2016, was classified as one of the most disadvantaged urban local government areas in Australia (Thomson, S. et al. 2020, pp.492-499). A large health problem that is identified in this area is mental illness. It was found in a study that 13.1% of residents in the Playford LGA were living with a mental illness (Cairney, I. et al. 2015, pp. 233-235). The main factors contributing to poor mental and physical health include below average educational accomplishment, increased unemployment rates, mortgage or rental stress, unsafe neighbourhoods, and increased rates of domestic violence and alcohol and drug use abuse. Research shows that there is a trend in diseases, consequent from socioeconomics (Thomson, S. et al. 2020, pp.492-499). Transgenerational trauma and social marginalisation are evident in levels of psychiatric morbidity and play a role in the current life expectancy gap between those living in the northern suburbs compared to those living in Adelaides more advantaged suburbs.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020-21) reports that of Australians aged 19-85 years, 8.6 million people or 44% of the population have had a mental illness in some point of their life, and 4.2 million people have had a mental illness in the last 12 months. In South Australia in 2007-08, approximately 190,800 people or 12% of the population reported they have a long-term mental illness identified by a health professional. Most commonly diagnosed were mood problems such as depression which accounted for 68% of the group. 31% of the group had a diagnosed anxiety related problem and about 50% had other mental illness relating to cognition, perceptions, emotional state, and behaviour (ABS-2007-08). From the findings it is evident that South Australia recorded the highest percentage of mental illness, followed by Queensland and ACT, Western Australia, Tasmania, then NSW and Victoria with the least percentage of mental illness diagnosed.
A study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010) found that approximately 72,600 South Australians used prescribed and non-prescribed medications to treat their mental illness. Approximately 20% of those South Australians took prescribed anti-depressants, 6% took prescribed medications for anxiety and/or nerves. Another 6% took prescribed sleeping tablets and 11% took vitamins, minerals and/or herbal treatments (ABS 2007-08). In the past decade, the per capita spending under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) on mental-health related medications has consistently significantly increased in South Australian than in any other state. In South Australia in 2008-09 there were 173,809 prescriptions written by psychiatrists for mental illness related prescriptions. By non-psychiatrists, there were 1,735,738 mental illness related scripts written. In the same year in South Australia, the average benefit paid by the PBS/RPBS was $40.12 per capita on mental illness, this cost is significantly higher than the national average of $34.33 per capita (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2010).3. Defining the target group
In the Playford LGA there are many target groups to consider who are impacted by mental illness ranging from different age groups, genders, cultural and vulnerable groups. In the last ten years, South Australia has resettled over 151,134 refugees under the humanitarian program. It was found that of all those refugees, 2,158 or 3.2% were relocated to the Playford LGA (Barbaro, B. et al. 2013). Refugee groups face high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and other psychiatric problems that arise during and post-migration. The study found rates of mental illness in refugees varied from 3-54% in the LGA (Posselt, M. et al. 2017, pp. 1-17).4. Defining the causes of the causes 4.1. Individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem
In the northern suburbs of Adelaide, which includes the Playford LGA, substance abuse is largely present issue. In a study conducted by Gattley, C. et al. (2017) recognises comorbidity between mental health and substance abuse disorder based in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Studies show that mental health and alcohol and other drug problems are a significant risk factor for refugee youths. The northern Adelaide suburbs including Playford are of low socio-economic status, that factor in addition to the lifestyle factor of exposure to alcohol and other substances to the refugee youth residing in the area, explains the comorbidity between mental illness and substance abuse disorder in the area.
4.2. Determinants of health of LOCAL Australian community influencing the target groups health problem
Refugees migrating to Playford LGA face many social and economic factors that determine their health. Research shows that refugees have a higher incidence of mental illness or psychiatric problems post migration. Refugees of various ages are mentally affected by many factors prior to migration. Before leaving their home country they may be exposed to many traumatic events including war, torture, forced migration and even exile. The uncertainty of how they will live in the country they are seeking refuge is also an addition of trauma for refugees. All events lead to mental distress therefore adding to the incidence of PTSD and depressive disorders. The exposure to torture is the main element in symptoms of PTSD. Refugees also have the fear of being accepted and with that comes the factor of racism and discrimination. When migrating there are three main aspects of transition, the first being changes in social ties. Where a person experiences a loss or change of the people in which they devote their time to, the refugee may have challenges in reconstructing social networks. Also, the challenges faced in moving from one socio-economic system to another, having to find employment and adjust to the differences in the economy. And lastly, the shift from one cultural system to another. If a person is left feeling powerless and uncertain, this can lead to depression and other mental health problems (Posselt, M.T., 2016). Refugees migrating to the Playford LGA are already at risk of having poorer mental health prior to migration, therefore the whole lifestyle change that arises from having to move countries to seek refuge is a huge factor contributing to poor mental health, as they are vulnerable to social and economic isolation, and racism (Rosso, E. et al. 2016, pp. 105-110).5. State the target groups access to health care issues
Access to healthcare is vital in the delivery of healthcare services. To ensure adequate service delivery performance, it is important that consumers have access with ease to appropriate services that coincide with their needs (Levesque, JF. et al. 2013). Refugees in the Playford LGA face considerable barriers in accessing services and treatments for mental illness and it is common that young refugees are less likely to present to support services for mental illness (Posselt, M. et al. 2017, pp. 1-17). To seek and to use healthcare services requires accessibility and ability. Levesque, JF (2013) explains the five components of accessibility as, Approachability, Acceptability, Availability, Affordability and Appropriateness. The five components of ability are Ability to perceive, Ability to seek, Ability to reach, Ability to pay and Ability to engage. One example of a barrier to accessing healthcare is cost, which is notably the fourth component of accessibility and ability. While 77% services are being bulk billed and Medicare bulk billing rates in South Australia are at a high, research shows that Playford residents experience prolonged seeking medical assistance due to the cost (Barbaro, B. et al. 2013). 6. State the partnerships opportunities
Partnering with consumers is essential in the effectiveness of service design, delivery, evaluation, and governance. Partnering with consumers can take place on individual, organisational and system levels. (Scholz, B. et al. 2018, pp. 3622-3629). Registered nurses are able to partner with consumers and act as representative influences on the community. One of the main issues in refugees accessing services is lack of awareness of available services. Mental health services are available although there is a disconnect between services and consumers. In relation to refugees, registered nurses can partner with migration agencies and settlement support agencies outside of the health care sector to provide refugees with education about options for where to seek mental health help and advice (Posselt, M. et al. 2017, pp. 1-17). Registered nurses also have the opportunity to partner with general practitioners to deliver mental health care and treatments to patients in need. Inside of the health care sector there is opportunity for registered nurses to partner with organisations who deliver mental health services. This includes organisations such as Beyond Blue, Sonder and headspace for example. Nurses have the opportunity to gain employment through these organisations and use their clinical expertise to provide adequate support to people in need of mental health services (Happell, B. et al. 2012, pp. 202-210).7. State the health problem statement
Mental illness is an increasing health problem which can lead to long term health issues. In the City of Playford, 13.1% of residents are living with mental illness, it is known that people from a lower socio-economic background are more likely to suffer mental illness.
8. Reference List
ABS 2007-08b,National Health Survey: Summary of Results; State Tables, 2007-2008(cat. no. 4362.0)
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020-21, National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, ABS, viewed 9 February 2023, <>.
Australian Government, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2010, Mental health services in Australia 2007-08, viewed date <>, viewed 9 February 2023
Barbaro, B., Crossman, S., Hordacre, A.L. and Spoehr, J., 2013. City of Playford. Socio-demographic, employment and education profile.
Cairney, I., Galletly, C., de Crespigny, C., Liu, D., Moss, J. and Procter, N., 2015. Stopping the run-around? A study of services for people with comorbid mental health and substance use disorders in northern Adelaide.Australasian Psychiatry,23(3), pp.233-235.
Happell, B., Scott, D., PlataniaPhung, C. and Nankivell, J., 2012. Should we or shouldn't we? Mental health nurses' views on physical health care of mental health consumers.International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,21(3), pp.202-210.
Levesque, JF., Harris, M.F. & Russell, G. Patient-centred access to health care: conceptualising access at the interface of health systems and populations.Int J Equity Health12, 18 (2013).
Posselt, M., McDonald, K., Procter, N., de Crespigny, C. and Galletly, C., 2017. Improving the provision of services to young people from refugee backgrounds with comorbid mental health and substance use problems: addressing the barriers.BMC public health,17, pp.1-17.
Posselt, M.T., 2016.Brave in their new world: Service provision for refugee youth with comorbidity in northern metropolitan Adelaide(Doctoral dissertation).
Rosso, E. and McGrath, R., 2016. Promoting physical activity among children and youth in disadvantaged South Australian CALD communities through alternative community sport opportunities.Health Promotion Journal of Australia,27(2), pp.105-110.
Scholz, B., Bocking, J., Banfield, M., PlataniaPhung, C. and Happell, B., 2018. Coming from a different place: Partnerships between consumers and health services for system change.Journal of clinical nursing,27(19-20), pp.3622-3629.
Thomson, S., Doan, T., Liu, D., Schubert, K.O., Toh, J., Boyd, M.A. and Galletly, C., 2020. <? covid19?> Supporting the vulnerable: developing a strategic community mental health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Australasian Psychiatry,28(5), pp.492-499.
Feedback for Assessment 1: ePortfolio part 1 (40% of final grade; equivalent to 1,500 words)
Assessment 1 is designed to demonstrate your learning and achievement of the following course objectives:
CO1 Explore the application of primary and public health policy, concepts and principles to nursing practice.
CO2 Explore the role of the registered nurse in health promotion and provision of health education to individuals, groups, communities and populations.
CO3 Develop a client-centred health promotion/health education strategy that addresses social, political, cultural and environmental determinants of health and the immediate problems facing an individual, group, community or population.
CO5 Critically analyse the challenges of meeting health care needs of rural and remote populations.
Student name: Courtney Ashworth
Student number: 110343310
Tutor: Susan cameronCriteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
geographical location
LOCAL Australian community geographical location identified and stated
5% of assessment task
As per D, plus LOCAL Australian community geographical location stated, whereby creating interest.
Excellent, clear and concise identification and statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location
Sound clear identification and statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location Brief but adequate, identification and statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location.
Limited, barely sufficient identification and statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location.
Inadequate identification of the statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location. Poor / Irrelevant / no identification of the statement of LOCAL Australian community geographical location.
Community located outside of Australia
Identifying & analysing the Health problem
Identification of the local Australian communitys health problem, and analysis using population and/or community data on the prevalence, research and evidence about the health problem in the identified local community and compared with other locations.
15% of assessment task
As per D, plus exemplary and well-developed identification and analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence that identified and defined the health problem and the prevalence in community and compared with other locations, whereby creating interest.
Excellent, well-developed identification and analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence which identified and defined the health problem and the prevalence in community and compared with other locations.
Sound, identification and analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence, and includes a sound identification of the health problem and the prevalence in community and compared with other locations.
Adequate, identification and analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence, and includes an adequate identification of the health problem and the in community and compared with other locations
Limited, barely sufficient analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence.
Limited, barely sufficient identification of the health problem the prevalence in community and compared with other locations
Inadequate analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence.
Inadequate identification of the health problem the prevalence in community and compared with other locations Poor / Irrelevant / no analysis of the population and/or community health data, research and evidence,
Poor / Irrelevant / no identification of the health problem the prevalence in community and compared with other locations
target population group
Identifies and defines a target group most affected and impacted by the health problem; and
summarises using health data how many of target group are affected by this health problem in the LOCAL Australian community
10% of assessment task
Exemplary, which succinctly and clearly
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem, and
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community.
Excellent, which clearly:
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem, and
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community Soundly:
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem, and
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community A brief but adequately:
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem, and
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community Limited, barely sufficient.
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem,
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian communityInadequately:
identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem,
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community Poor / Irrelevant / no summary that :identifies and defines a LOCAL Australian community target group most affected and/or impacted by health problem,
and /or
summarises using health data, outlines how many of the target population group are affected on by this health problem in the local Australian community
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
causes of the causes
Using population and/or community health data to identify and analyse:
the individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem; and
the determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence the target groups health problem and status.
20% of assessment task
Exemplary, succinct and clear summary by using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence on the target groups health problem and status .Excellent, clear summary by using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence on the target groups health problem and status. Sound summary by using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence on the target groups health problem and status .Brief, but adequate summary by using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence on the target groups health problem and status. Limited, barely sufficient summary using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which clearly has the greatest influence on the target groups health problem and status. Inadequately summaries by using health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community which is unclear how it is influencing the target groups health problem and status . Poor / Irrelevant / no summary or use of health data to identify and analyse the:
individuals or contributing factors causing the target groups health problem,
determinants of health of the local Australian community
No clear indication of contribution/ link to specific target groups health problem.
access to health care
Using Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care outline the target groups ability to reach out for support and access to health care considering 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals.
15% of assessment task
Exemplary, clear and well-developed summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Exemplary consideration to 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Exemplary use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Excellent, clear summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Excellent consideration to 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Excellent use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Sound, clear summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Sound consideration to the5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Sound use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Adequate, clear summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Adequate consideration to the 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Adequate use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Limited, barely sufficient summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Limited consideration to the 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Limited use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Inadequate summary of target groups ability to reach out for support for access to health care.
Inadequate consideration to the 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals
Inadequate use of Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care. Poor / irrelevant / absent/ no summary of target groups ability to reaches out for support to access to health care.
Poor/ absent consideration to the 5 A's in healthcare delivery and five abilities for individuals.
No use of the Levesque et al. (2013) conceptual framework of access to health care.
partnership opportunities
Outline who the nurse can partner with to work on addressing this health problem by listing the following partnership opportunities with a minimum: TWO partners from WITHIN the health sector and system and TWO partners from OUTSIDE the health sector and system; and clearly state the purpose/rationale and partnership level of collaborating and/or partnering with EACH partner / stakeholder.
15% of assessment task
Exemplary and well-developed summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
More than FOUR partnership opportunities from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
More than FOUR partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is clear and exemplarily stated. Excellent summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
FOUR partnership opportunities from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
FOUR partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is excellently stated. Sound summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
THREE partnership opportunities from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
THREE partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is soundly stated. Adequate summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
TWO partnership opportunities from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
TWO partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is adequality stated. Limited summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
TWO partnership opportunity from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
TWO partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is limitedly stated. Inadequate summary on who the RN could partner with to address this health problem with:
ONE partnership opportunities from WITHIN the health sector and system are listed
ONE partnership opportunities from OUTSIDE the health sector and system are listed
The purpose/rationale and partnership level for EACH partner is inadequately stated.
Poor / irrelevant / no summary of RN partnership opportunities, and/or purpose/rationale and partnership level stated
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
Health problem STATEMENT
Concise and clear health problem statement which states: health problem, location, reported on, affected/ target population group, prevalence and problem occurrence.
10% of assessment task
Exemplary, clear and concise health problem statement which states:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence
Excellent, clear and concise health problem statement which states:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence.
Sound, clear and concise health problem statement which states:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence
Adequate, clear and concise health problem statement which states:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence.
. Limited, barely sufficient health problem statement with at least one limited or missing statement of:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence
Inadequate health problem statement with inadequate or missing statements for two or more of:
health problem,
reported on, affected/target population group, prevalence, and problem occurrence
Demonstrates a poor / irrelevant / absent health problem statement.
Overall writing and presentation
Assignment adheres to the guidelines as per the course outline.
Uses academic writing, inclusive language, structure and sequence
5% of assessment task
Adheres to all guidelines. Exemplary:
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
word limit
logical flow, and
appropriately used dot points and tables.
Adheres to all guidelines. Excellent:
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
word limit
logical flow, and
appropriately used dot points and tables.
Adheres to all guidelines:
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
word limit
logical flow, and
appropriately used dot points and tables. Adheres to most guideline.
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
word limit
logical flow, and
appropriately used dot points and tables. Paper written at a limited level with some problems with:
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
word limit
logical flow, and
some problems with the use of dot points and tables. Report inadequately written:
sentence & paragraph structure
written in first person
use of non-inclusive language
>10% variation below or above word limit
logical flow, and
overuse dot points and tables. Report written very poorly:
sentence & paragraph structure
use of 3rd person
use of inclusive language
>20% variation well below / well above word limit
Nil logical flow, and
misuse of dot points and tables.
Referencing & Academic Integrity
Integration and used at least eight quality references
Adherence to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th author-date system
5% of assessment task
Extensive sources used 10 or more relevant references.
Referencing correct
Reference list
In-text references very well integrated
Referencing adheres to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines.
Multiple sources used 10 or more relevant references.
Referencing correct
Reference list
In-text references well integrated
Referencing adheres to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines. Used 8 or more relevant references.
Referencing correct
Reference list
In-text references integrated
Referencing adheres to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines. Used at least 8 relevant references.
Referencing mostly correct
Reference list
Adequate in-text references integrated
Referencing mainly adheres to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines.
Used at least 8 relevant references with some of poorer quality.
Referencing few areas had minor errors within incorrect or incomplete
Reference list
Limited integration of
in-text references
Referencing with minor errors in adherence to UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines.
No evidence of plagiarism
Used less than 8 relevant references.
Referencing major areas had consistent incorrect or incomplete
Reference list
Inadequate integration of
in-text references
Referencing with consistent major errors either UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines.
Some evidence of plagiarism.
Possible referral to AIO
No relevant references.
Nil Referencing
Reference list
Referencing does not adhere to either UniSA Harvard or APA 7th referencing guidelines.
Evidence of extensive plagiarism
Refer to AIO
Possible referral to AIO
Summary Comments:
Some sound discussion in the answers eg target group and health statement.
There are large sections of the paper that need references to support the comments.
More data specific to Playford was needed in the target group - individual question.
Ensure you use correct intext referencing no initials are needed.
You have shown an understanding of the topic.
Mark / Grade:
60 Pass
Feedback for Assessment 2: ePortfolio part 2 (60% of final grade; equivalent to 3,000 words)
Assessment 2 is designed to demonstrate your learning and achievement of the following course objectives:
CO1 Explore the application of primary and public health policy, concepts and principles to nursing practice.
CO2 Explore the role of the registered nurse in health promotion and provision of health education to individuals, groups, communities and populations.
CO3 Develop a client-centred health promotion/health education strategy that addresses social, political, cultural and environmental determinants of health and the immediate problems facing an individual, group, community or population.
CO 4 Evaluate the outcomes of health education and health promotion strategies for individuals, groups, communities and populations.
CO 5 Critically analyse the challenges of meeting health care needs of rural and remote populations.
CO 6 Evaluate the contribution of the registered nurse to effective inter-disciplinary teamwork in the management of clients in primary health care settings.
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
State the geographical location of a local Australian local community; and Introduce the Australian local community target groups health problem, stated the health problem statement; and how this health problem will be addressed by a comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country.
5% of assessment task
As per D, plus exemplary, well-developed introduction provided which creates interest.
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country.
Excellent, clear and concise introduction of
The geographical location of the local Australian community And
The local Australian community target groups health problem including the health problem statement
How this Australian local communitys health problem will be addressed by the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Purpose and structure of the presentation is very clear and logically provided.
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country
Sound, clear and concise introduction of
The geographical location of the local Australian community
the local Australian community target groups health problem including the health problem statement
How this Australian local communitys health problem will be addressed by the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Purpose and structure of the presentation is clearly and logically provided. Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country
Adequate, introduction of
The geographical location of the local Australian community
The local Australian community target groups health problem including the health problem statement
how this Australian local communitys health problem will be addressed by the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
The purpose and structure of presentation is provided. Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country
Limited, barely sufficient introduction of
the geographical location of the local Australian community
And / Or
the local Australian community target groups health problem including the health problem statement
And / Or
how this Australian local communitys health problem will be addressed by the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Purpose and structure of the presentation is stated in the introduction, but not clearly communicated.
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country omitted and/or
Inadequate introduction of
the geographical location of the local Australian community
And / Or
the local Australian community target groups health problem
And / Or
No health problem statement.
And / Or
how this Australian local communitys health problem will be addressed by the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Purpose of the presentation is vague. Structure of presentation not clear or relevant. Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country omitted and
No introduction provided.
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
aim or goal
State a comprehensive primary health care initiative aim/goal that would result in reducing the health problem for the affected target group of the population using the SMART criteria.
5% of assessment task
Exemplary aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has applied the SMART criteria
would result in reducing the health problem and,
has identified the affected target group of the population. Excellent aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has applied the SMART criteria,
would result in reducing the health problem and,
has identified the affected target group of the population. Sound aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has applied the SMART criteria,
would result in reducing the health problem and,
has identified the affected target group of the population. Brief, but adequate aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has applied the SMART criteria,
would result in reducing the health problem and,
has identified the affected target group of the population. Limited aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has applies some SMART criteria,
may possibly result in reducing the health problem and,
has attempted to identify the affected target group of the population.
Inadequate aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative which:
has not applied the SMART criteria,
would not result in reducing the health problem and,
has inadequately identified the affected target group of the population. Poor / Irrelevant / no aim/goal for the comprehensive primary health care initiative was provided.
prevention level
Identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative and a clear, concise rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative.
5% of assessment task
identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative
rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Excellent,
identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative
rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Sound
identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative
rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Adequate
identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative
rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Limited, barely sufficient
identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative
and /or
rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Inadequate identification of most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Inadequate rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative. Poor / Irrelevant / no appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative or rationale provided.
health strategies, Partners and Principles
Outline a minimum of THREE comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies includes action(s), partner(s) and alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy;
and identify the alignment of each strategy has with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites (i.e. enable, advocate and mediate);
and briefly discuss the relevancy of this comprehensive primary health care initiative has to nursing practice.
25% of assessment task
Exemplary summary of FIVE or more comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies and includes actions, partners and an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy.
Exemplary, identification of the alignment of EACH strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites.
Exemplary and succinct discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice. Excellent summary of FIVE comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies and includes actions, partners and an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy.
Excellent, identification of the alignment of EACH strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites.
Excellent, discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice. Sound summary of FOUR comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies and includes action(s), partner(s) and an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy.
Sound, identification of the alignment of EACH strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites.
Sound discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice. Brief, but adequate summary of THREE comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies and includes action(s), partner(s) and an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy.
Adequate, identification of the alignment of EACH strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites.
Brief, but adequate discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice. Limited, barely sufficient summary of THREE comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies and includes, action(s), partner(s) and an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for each strategy.
Limited, Identification of the alignment of EACH strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites.
Limited discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice Inadequate summary of less than THREE comprehensive primary health care initiative strategy, action, partner with an alignment to the initiatives aim or goal of this strategy.
Inadequate, identification of the alignment of ONE strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and/or basic prerequisites.
Inadequate discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice No summary of comprehensive primary health care initiative strategies, action, partners, no alignment to the initiatives aim or goal for a strategy.
No identification of the alignment of a strategy with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and/or basic prerequisites.
Poor/Irrelevant/no discussion on the relevancy this initiative has to nursing practice
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
For EACH health strategy, identify the most appropriate evaluation methods, aspect actions, tools, timeline with short-term outcome for each of the health strategies, which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
10% of assessment task
Exemplary, identification of the most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and short outcome
for EACH of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Excellent identification of the most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for EACH of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Sound identification of the most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for EACH of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Adequate identification of the most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for EACH of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Limited identification of most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for some of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Inadequate identification of most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for one of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Poor / Irrelevant / no identification of most appropriate evaluation:
timeline and
short outcome
for one or none of the health strategies which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Reflection on learning using a nursing practice reflection framework.
State TWO subtopic areas in NURS 3045, and ONE on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care.
Briefly describe why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach.
10% of assessment task
Demonstrates an exemplary:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the two subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and one on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
Clear succinct description of why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach.
Demonstrates an excellent:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the two subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and one on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
Clear succinct description of why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach. . Demonstrates a sound:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the two subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and one on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
Clear succinct description of why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach. .
Demonstrates an adequate:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the two subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and one on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
Clear succinct description of why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach.
Demonstrates a limited, just passable:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the two subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and one on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
Clear succinct description of why these three areas will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach. .
Demonstrates an inadequate:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
description of why these area(s) will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach. .
Demonstrates a poor / irrelevant / no:
Use of a nursing practice reflection framework,
Statement of the subtopic areas in NURS 3045 and designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care,
description of why these area(s) will enable you to work using a primary healthcare approach. .
Summarises the specific health problem, relevancy to target group, nursing practice and how the comprehensive primary health care initiative will address the target groups health problem.
5% of assessment task
As per D, plus exemplary conclusion provided. Excellent conclusion that summarises the major points in a synthesised and non-repetitive manner and identifies the importance of the comprehensive primary health care initiative and approach.
Ideas succinctly and concisely expressed.
Sound conclusion that summarises the major points in a synthesised and non-repetitive manner and identifies the importance of the comprehensive primary health care initiative and approach. Adequate conclusion that summarises most of the major points and identifies the importance of the comprehensive primary health care initiative and approach. Limited, barely sufficient conclusion, was identifiable, but not clearly presented,
Few major points of the comprehensive primary health care initiative and approach are summarised.
Inadequate conclusion of the situation Identification of conclusion is vague, little attempt to stress the importance of the comprehensive primary health care initiative and approach. No conclusion provided.
Criteria HD
Exemplary D
Excellent C
Sound P1
Adequate P2
Limited F1
Inadequate F2
Integration and used at least eight quality use of references.
Adheres to Harvard UniSA or APA 7th Referencing Guidelines
5% of assessment task
Exemplary use of diverse, relevant & credible sources additional to course readings.
More than fifteen (15) quality references used
Referencing adheres to either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
Excellent use of relevant & credible sources.
More than ten (10) quality references used
Referencing adheres to either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
. Sound effective use of relevant & credible sources.
At least ten (10) quality references used
Referencing adheres to either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
Adequate range of relevant sources.
Eight (8) quality use of references
Referencing mainly adheres to either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
Limited relevant & credible sources.
Eight (8) references use with some of poorer quality
Some of lesser credibility.
Too many quotations.
Few areas in text require referencing.
Referencing with limited adherence either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
Inadequate relevant & credible sources.
Less than eight (8) quality references used with some of poorer quality.
Inadequate with many areas in text require referencing.
Referencing does not adhere to either Harvard UniSA or APA7th referencing guidelines.
Reference list incomplete Poor or no relevant or credible sources.
Poor with most areas in text require referencing.
No referencing intext present and/or reference list not provided
Evidence of plagiarism will be referred to Academic Integrity
ORAL Presentation Style
Clear well-paced speech,
Relaxed and animated style,
Clear presentation of the assessment criteria.
Logical structure
Video recorded presentation keeps to time (15-20 minutes).
Camera On
Student camera was on during presentation and student video image is seen in the corner or on the side during the presentation of this assignment.
Demonstrates an exemplary level:
Clear well-paced speech,
A confident and professional presentation style,
Concise presentation of all assessment criteria.
Exemplary video recording, logical structure and timekeeping (15-20 minutes).
Demonstrates an excellent level:
Clear well-paced speech,
A confident and professional presentation style,
Concise presentation of all assessment criteria.
Excellent, logical structure and timekeeping (15-20 minutes).
Demonstrates a sound level:
Clear well-paced speech
A confident and professional presentation style,
Short presentation of all assessment criteria.
Sound, logical structure and timekeeping (15-20 minutes). Demonstrates an adequate level:
Clear well-paced speech,
A confident and professional presentation style,
Brief presentation of all assessment criteria.
Adequate, logical structure and timekeeping (15-20 minutes).
Demonstrates a limited level of:
Clear & well-paced speech,
A confident and professional presentation style,
Partially presentation of all assessment criteria.
Limited structure and timekeeping (10% of the 15-20 minutes).
Demonstrates an inadequate level of:
Paced speech (too fast/slow),
A tense and mostly text-reading style,
Insufficient presentation and the content that does not address all assessment criteria.
Inadequate structure and timekeeping >10% variation of the 15-20 minutes. Demonstrates a poor level:
Paced speech (too fast/slow),
A tense/nervous and mostly text-reading style,
Poor presentation and the content that does not address all assessment criteria.
Poor structure and timekeeping (>20% variation of the 15-20 minutes).
20% of assessment task
Students camera was on for entire presentation,
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as they are presenting this assignment.
Students camera was on for the entire presentation,
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as they are presenting this assignment.
Students camera was on for entire presentation,
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as they are presenting this assignment.
Students camera was on for more than 4 slides during the presentation,
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as you are presenting this assignment.
Students camera was on for less than 4 slides during the presentation,
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as you are presenting this assignment.
Students camera was on for less than 2 slides during the presentation,
And / Or
Students video image is seen in corner or on the side as they are presenting this assignment.
Poor, camera was not on, and no Student video image sighted.
WRITING and presentation
Assignment adheres to the guidelines as per the course outline.
Microsoft PowerPoint slides
text used in the slides is of appropriate size and readable by the audience
text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content
content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings
pictures/graphs/other support material is clear
Uses academic writing, inclusive language, structure and sequence
10% of assessment task Adheres to guidelines
Excellent presentation of the PowerPoint slide arrangement
text used in the slides is of appropriate size and readable by the audience
text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content
content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings
pictures/graphs/other support material is clear.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, exemplary applied:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inclusive language,
Very well sequenced. Adheres to guidelines
Excellent presentation of the PowerPoint slide arrangement
text used in the slides is of appropriate size and readable by the audience
text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content
content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings
pictures/graphs/other support material is clear.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, excellently applied:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inclusive language,
well sequenced. Adheres to guidelines.
Soundly presented PowerPoint slide arrangement
Text in the slides is easy to read in a few places and not so in the rest of the slides
Background and colours used do not enhance readability of the content
Content is well spread out in the slides
pictures/graphs/diagrams are clear.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, soundly applied:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inclusive language,
well sequenced. Adheres to most of the guidelines.
Adequately presented PowerPoint slide arrangement
text in the slides is crowded and lengthy and making it difficult to read
background and colours used are too many making it difficult to read the text
content is arranged in some structure but seems cluttered
diagrams/pictures/graphs are too small to allow reading.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, adequately applied:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inclusive language.
Mostly well sequenced. Adheres to most of the guidelines.
Limited presentation in PowerPoint slide arrangement
text in the slides is crowded and lengthy and making it difficult to read
background and colours used are too many making it difficult to read the text
content is arranged in some structure but seems cluttered
diagrams/pictures/graphs are too small to allow reading.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, limitedly applied :
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inclusive language.
Partly well sequenced. Adheres to some of the guidelines.
Inadequate presentation in PowerPoint slide arrangement
text at times is difficult to read eg font style is inappropriate or size is too small
Inconsistent use of headings and sub-headings
content/ pictures/ diagrams are cluttered and confusing
PowerPoint slide academic writing, inadequately applied:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
use of 3rd person.
Inadequate use of inclusive language.
Poorly sequenced & difficult to follow. Adheres to very few / no presentation guidelines.
No PowerPoint used
Poor presented of the PowerPoint slide arrangement
text is unable to be read as the font size is too small,
devoid of headings and sub-headings
content/ pictures/ diagrams are unreadable, irrelevant.
PowerPoint slide academic writing, poorly applied or not used:
phrases and/or sentence structure,
grammar, spelling
Inappropriate use of 3rd person.
No/poor use of inclusive language.
Not sequenced well and difficult to follow.
Summary Comments:
Mark / Grade: