Student name: Date of inspection: Due Date: WEEK 15
Assessment Instructions:
Students will select a suitable tree and closely observe and record all relevant data using the following template.
This is so the student can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Photograph as much detail as possible of the surrounding area, issues, and problems the tree has. These photos must be included in your report. (Photos must be labelled and referred to in your assignment). All issues identified must be photographed.
Students will also need to research the council requirements for pruning and removal for the location of the tree selected for their assessment.
This assessment task is to be done outside of class time. Students are not allowed to use any tree on Ryde campus grounds, or any tree already discussed and assessed during class field walks.
All sections of this form are to be completed where applicable.
Submitting: The completed assignment must be submitted in an electronic form. A PDF is to be uploaded to MOODLE, or emailed, or given to your teacher on USB.
The following table describes the criteria the teacher will use to determine whether the submission can be awarded Competent.
Criterion Competent Not Competent
DUE DATE: Delivered on or before due date Not delivered
Completion of Tasks All tasks within the worksheet must be completed. Not delivered, or some tasks are incomplete.
Understanding of Tasks Students have followed through tasks as directed in the instructions. The student has not followed through tasks as directed in the instructions.
Comprehension of Tasks Tasks are completed to a competent standard that is in line with industry expectations. The student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the tasks and was able to follow the directions given. Tasks are not completed to a satisfactory standard. The submitted work suggests that the student does not have a good understanding of the content of the unit.
Note: TAFE is required to retain copies of all completed assessments, where practical, for a period of 6 months (or in accordance with regulatory and or contractual requirements) after the completion of a learners studies.
Name of Client:
Suburb: Postcode:
Target Assessment (Add as required)
Target Number Description Practical to move target? Restriction practical?
public space private space
Tree location - describe where the tree(s) is situated on the site and any limiting factors including vicinity to structures, surrounding plants, aspect, topography, prevailing wind direction.
Insert map here (student to mark the location of the tree on the map below)
Tools for inspection Digital camera Screwdriver pH kit Tape measure
Trowel or shovel Nylon mallet Other (specify)
Traffic Management - does the condition or location of the tree require vehicle or pedestrian traffic management before you undertake the inspection or for public safety? Yes No
Describe a minimum of 3 traffic management strategies which could be implement if required:
Botanical name Common name
Habit/form - Insert a picture showing the whole tree. If it is in a group, please add an arrow
Identifying features insert and label close-up images of the leaves, flowers, and fruit (if available)
Height (m)
Crown Spread (m)
N =
S =
E =
W = Diameter at Breast Height at 1.4m
(circumference 3.14)
Growing conditions
exposed full protection partially protected gully
full sun full shade part sun / part shade
other (describe)
Site changes (describe): __________________________________________________________________
Soil conditions: Limited volume Saturated Shallow Compacted
Pavement over roots _________ %
Texture: Structure:
Age class
Young - recently planted Semi-mature - <20% of life expectancy
Mature - 20-80% of life expectancy Over-mature - >80% of life expectancy
Plant type / form / habit
decurrent (broad dome) excurrent (pyramid) single trunk co-dominant
multi stemmed native exotic angiosperm gymnosperm
evergreen deciduous
other (describe)
Benefits the tree provides
environmental social ecological aboriginal cultural psychological heritage
shade habitat aesthetic value privacy erosion control wind break
other (describe)
Crown condition (foliage)
good fair poor
epicormic shoots crown thinning dieback reduced leaf size discoloured leaves
other (describe)
Insert and label images
Branch structure
good fair poor
splits cracks cavities co-dominant inclusions previous failures
broken branches dead wood other (describe)
Further advice needed (describe)
Insert and label images
Trunk structure
good fair poor
splits cracks cavities co-dominant inclusions previous failures
broken branches dead wood other (describe)
Further advice needed
Insert and label images
Root zone
damaged/ wounded roots exposed roots girdled roots suckers/basal suckers
heaving raised soil level lowered soil level grass mulch
other (describe)
Insert and label images
Previous pruning identified
thinning dead-wooding selective formative reduction crown lifting pollarding
habitat remedial line clearance crown modification flush cut lopping
other (describe)
Insert and label images
Pruning / removal to be undertaken (if any)
thinning dead-wooding selective formative reduction crown lifting remedial
line clearance crown modification habitat hygiene & biosecurity required
other (describe)
Insert and label images
Disease, insects, and other fauna
armillaria myrtle rust bracket fungus other (describe)
wasps bees termites borers other (describe)
fauna (describe)
Recommendations for treatment:
Insert and label images
Summary of tree condition
Provide a summary of the overall condition of the tree including risks to targets, identified defects and symptoms of stress:
Provide recommendations to improve the health and/or structure of the tree. Be specific and explain your suggestions e.g. if mulch is required specify type, amount and reasons for use. If pruning is required, state reasons why and use specifications as determined by AS4373-2007 Pruning of amenity trees.
Arborist required Yes No
If yes, please specify
What council area is the tree you are inspecting in?
Please insert a link to the council home page.
What was the original vegetation community of the area?
Name 3 dominant trees in the original vegetation community
Is there a list of Significant Trees for your council? Yes No
Is there a list of recommended trees to plant for your area? Yes No
Is there a list of exempt trees? Yes No
Does your council have any information about how trees should be pruned? Yes No
How does the council define trees that can be pruned or removed, without approval? (This is usually found in the Development Control Plan)
What are the specifications - height, canopy spread and trunk diameter, etc.?
If yes to any of the above, please insert screen shots or links:
Insert a link to the Tree Application for pruning and removal of private trees.
Who is responsible for lodging the application with the council?
Owner/occupier Arborist Council officer
Is there a fee for lodging the application? Yes No
Is it charged as a
flat rate regardless of how many trees are on the application
cost per tree set cost for multiple trees
Enter the amount: $