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A Portfolio: Applied Science and Technology Through Sustainability

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Added on: 2023-05-24 04:54:26
Order Code: clt179667
Question Task Id: 0

Task Description:

This assessment task is a portfolio of text and images. Your submission will be supported by the template from the Assessment Tasks and Submission tab in the SCIN1006 Blackboard site.

Brief overview: Applying inquiry and innovation through sustainability compile a portfolio of your attempt to design, (fair)test and create a solution to the environmental issue of waste. Your design and creation of a model/product will: Address one cause of waste; Apply technology and science by using the design process and; Include a fair test investigation on one aspect of this design as per the Module 4 6 material.

Assignment Instructions:

Title: Finding an innovative solution through the Design Process (2000 words)

Introduction (200 words 2 paragraphs)

  1. Introduce the design process in general terms in a paragraph by explaining:
    1. what is the design process
    2. who uses the design process
    3. why people use the design process
    4. how you will apply the design process for this project.
  2. Next, demonstrate your understanding of each step of the Design Process by specifically describing your knowledge of the design process methods in your projects context in two to four sentences:
    1. what is supposed to happen at each step*?
    2. what did you do in summary?

Portfolio Body (1600 words - 4 sections)

1. Identifying and defining (400 words)

  1. Define the problem to be solved: The problem we are exploring for our design is waste. Conduct some secondary research (reading and searching for information) to find out why waste is an ecological/environmental issue. Compose a summary sentence or two and remember to reference your research using APA 7th referencing style.
  2. Existing solutions: In a few sentences, refer to existing solutions you know of and any information about where you are looking for inspiration. e.g. You may look to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander science locally or nationally to address waste solutions for the future.
  3. Explain your design product/solution: Now that you are aware of what already exists, and the inspirations around, describe your solution idea in a sentence or two supported multimodally e.g. include a diagram/drawing.
  4. Outline a plan: In dot points, (1) give instructions youll follow to make your product/solution. (2) State what equipment youll need(including the skills and collaborators needed).
  5. Establish five design criteria: Dot point 5 design criteria which are rules youll adhere to. At least one criterion must be related to the concept of Sustainability. e.g. the product will be zero waste. (You will use these criteria in Step 4. below to measure the success of your design solution/product.)

2. Researching and planning (800 words)

  1. Identify influencing factors: Compose a short paragraph on some limiting details e.g. time, space, materials, money, resources. Document the changes you might have to make to your design after considering the limitations and other factors that may influence your design.
  2. Undertake a fair-test investigation1: Describe in one or two paragraphs with diagrams, images or drawings how you chose ~3 alternative materials for one aspect of your design you could use, and test their strength / suitability against each other (Ensure you use the A2 template for this).
  3. Develop project plans: Produce a labelled drawing or diagram of your design detailing all the materials involved (including the one your fair test investigation pointed you toward). Make a list of the materials you will need to create your design solution/product (Remember your design criteria here! e.g. recycled materials so as to not add to the waste issue, but reduce it!).

3. Producing and implementing (200 words)

  1. Design solution/product construction: Once you have the results from the fair-test investigation, and have chosen the most suitable materials to construct your design, multimodally (using graphics) document the tools, skills and process you went through in constructing your design solution/product. Include photos of your final design solution/product.
  2. Confronting the challenges. In a few sentences make note of challenges confronted. As you went through the construction process, what challenges did you face? Think about the creative ways you work to address these challenges as you go.

4. Testing and evaluating (200 words)

  1. Design solution/product evaluation: Using the design criteria that you established in Step 1e), write a short paragraph evaluating the effectiveness of your design in solving the problem outlined in Step 1a). Ensure you justify if your design is sustainable.
  2. Present your design solution/product: (1) Using a selection of images from the above steps, post your design on the Assignment 2 discussion board thread. We will look at them in the Week 6 tutorial. Explain the features of the design that make it sustainable; (2) Ask your peers for feedback on your design. (3) Provide feedback on one other design.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 24th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 464

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