ACC3116 Accounting and Society Case Study
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The Royal Commission into Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services in Australia was established in2018 to investigate the conduct of financial institutions and their intermediaries. The Royal Commissions finalreport, released in 2019, made 76 recommendations to address the misconduct and malpractice identifiedduringthe investigation.
Key themes identified included the importance of ethical behaviour and accountability in the financial sector.There were also findings saying that there were serious limitations of traditional accounting practices andmethodsinpromotingethical behaviourandpreventing misconduct.
The commission questioned the relationship between accounting and the broader social and economiccontext, highlighting the need for greater consideration of the social and economic implications of accountingdecisions.
- By examining this case, explain what the complexities and limitations of accountingpracticesare,andtheimplications ofthosepracticesfor organisationsandstake holders(25marks)
- Explain what the relationship between accounting and the broader social economic andenvironmental community is or should be. Discussion of relevant theory will assist yourdiscussion(25marks)
- Accounting practices and processes can reflect and reinforce social and economic Using the above case, identify if the banking industry used accounting practicesto exercise power and control. If so, on who were they exerting their power and how.Looking at appropriatetheoriesmay assistin answeringthisquestion. (25marks)
- What role does/or should, accounting take in ensuring the accuracy and reliability offinancial information and the responsibility of organisations to comply with regulations andethicalRelateyour answertotheabovecaseandtheory.(25marks)