Adapting Project Management Concepts to Agile Software Development Project
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Academic Integrity Information
Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessment must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Important academic integrity breaches include plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract cheating, data fabrication and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
Format Instructions
- Most assessments must be in MS Word format with no spacing, 11-pt Calibri font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
- You must name your file with the Unit Code and Student ID (e.g. HI5003- GWA1995).
- Check that you submit the correct document as special consideration is not granted if you make a mistake.
- Student ID needs to be indicated on the cover page.
Assignment Description:
You are expected to complete a critique and conduct a literature review to discuss a contemporary issue which an IS professional may experience and identify appropriate approaches to address this issue.
The topic is Adapting Project Management Concepts to Agile Software Development Projects.
You need to search in the literature and find at least ten (10) academic research papers (references) related to this topic. (Academic papers can be found in ProQuest. ProQuest instruction can be found in below. Please contact Liberian if you have further question).