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Analysis Of the Company Assignment

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Section 1: Preparation

Analysis of the Company's Objectives and Identification of Strategic Change Needs:

Publisher of high-end fashion publications Samson Media has the following difficulties: Readership Decline: Due to competition from digital fashion publications, readership has decreased over the past two years.

Profit Decrease: Due in part to a decline in reading, profits have decreased by 20%. Amir Johnson, a new CEO, has been chosen to spearhead a strategic makeover.

Industry Trends: The industry is challenged by the popularity of specialised markets, the consumption of online information, and a technical revolution, which is causing a drop in the sales of printed magazines.

Based on these difficulties, Samson Media has to make the following strategic changes:

Digital transformation is the process of switching to a digital format in order to keep up with business changes and satisfy consumer demand for online content.

Cost-effectiveness: Achieving cost-effectiveness by closing the printing and distribution facility and moving the corporate headquarters to a smaller space.

Offering digital subscriptions with extra features to boost income is known as revenue diversification.

Employee Structure: Reorganising the head office staff by hiring more contract workers while laying off the core permanent employees.

Review of Current Policies, Procedures, and Practices:

The issues Samson Media is currently facing with cost effectiveness and digital trends.

To conform to the new aims, it could be necessary to modify current policies and procedures:

Samson Media needs to establish procedures and rules for producing and distributing digital content.

Cost management: Policies should be updated to make cost-cutting initiatives, such as employee reorganisation and office downsizing, easier to implement.

Introduce policies and procedures for managing digital subscriptions, such as pricing, access, and extra features, using the subscription model.

Implement a formal performance review procedure for workers to make sure they are in line with the new digital strategy.

To maintain the workforce's competitiveness, formal methods for analysing training needs and professional development should be developed.

Key Stakeholders Involved and Affected by the Change:

The CEO and Senior Management are two important Samson Media stakeholders who are leading the strategy transformation and are responsible for its success.

Employees: Restructuring and any modifications to employment contracts will have an impact on current employees.

Readers: Readers will notice the change in subscription models and content structure.

Advertisers: Advertisers must adjust to the new digital marketing platform.

Regulatory Bodies: In the shift to the digital age, adherence to copyright and privacy laws will be crucial.

Suppliers: Digital solution and service providers will be crucial allies.

Investors: The success of the strategy modifications will be of interest to shareholders and potential investors.

Competitors: As Samson Media changes, competitors in the digital fashion magazine market will retaliate.

Legislation/code of practice

Employment Laws and Regulations: The Fair Work Act (Australia): This law regulates employee rights, as well as employment terms like termination and redundancy. It's crucial to abide by these laws while reorganising the workforce or eliminating positions as part of the strategy change. This could entail talking to the staff, giving notice, and providing just severance compensation.

Privacy laws: Australia's Privacy Act Compliance with privacy laws is crucial if the strategic change entails collecting and maintaining customer data. Make that the company complies with industry standards for data protection, transparency, and consent.

Ethical Codes of Conduct: Businesses are obliged to abide by the ethical codes of conduct that each industry has established. These codes frequently incorporate guidelines for ethical business conduct, customer trust, and competitive fairness.

Contractual Agreements: There may be clauses in current agreements with partners, suppliers, and workers that must be taken into account during the transformation process. Examine contracts to see if modifications could have an effect on current agreements.


Legal Compliance: Ensure that the company abides by all rules and laws that may be relevant. When navigating challenging legal requirements, seek legal counsel.

Transparency and communication: Be open and honest when informing staff, clients, and other stakeholders about changes. Explain in detail how the changes will affect them and how the company plans to abide by all applicable laws.

Raise awareness of the changes and any new policies or procedures that are the result of the strategic change by training staff members and important stakeholders. Make sure they are aware of their obligations related upholding the law and moral principles.

Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Keep an eye on how the strategic shift is being implemented, and be ready to make changes as necessary to plans and procedures to stay in conformity with changing laws and morality standards.

Environmental risks/impacts

Consumption of resources: The printing and delivery of printed magazines need a substantial amount of paper, ink, and electricity. Deforestation, energy use, and carbon emissions are all impacted by this.

E-Waste: As a result of the digital transformation, obsolete electronic equipment may be disposed away, adding to the problem. To lessen this impact, proper recycling and disposal procedures are required.

Samson Media should be aware that contemporary customers frequently favour companies that exhibit environmental responsibility. Customer loyalty may suffer if sustainability is not taken into account during the digital revolution.

Dealing with risks

Environmental Sustainability Policy: Create and put into effect a clear environmental sustainability policy outlining the business's dedication to minimising environmental consequences through the digital transformation.

Implement appropriate recycling and e-waste management procedures for old electronic devices.

Sources of information

The Kotter 8-Step Change Model places a strong emphasis on the function of leadership in directing change. It is pertinent to Samson Media because Amir Johnson, the new CEO, is driving the transition and working to align the entire company.

Institutes for Change Management (CMI): CMI provides tools, information, and best practises for change management. This source can shed light on accepted practises in the field.

Harvard Business Review: HBR provides case studies and essays on successful change management techniques, providing useful advice that Samson Media can use while it undergoes transition.

Best practices: A structured strategy is used in strategic change management to lead organisations through major transformations. In relation to Samson Media, it entails: Clear Vision: Under Amir Johnson's direction, creating a clear vision for the digital transition. Employee, consumer, and investor involvement in the transformation process is referred to as stakeholder engagement.

Compliance and Regulation: Making sure that during the transition, applicable laws, like those governing privacy, are followed.

Environmental considerations: Addressing the effects of the switch from print to digital by consuming fewer resources.

Establishing systems for continuing evaluation and correction will help to guarantee that the transformation is in line with ideal procedures and goals.

Major operational chnages

Implement a thorough digital strategy that addresses content generation, monetization, and distribution.

Cost effectiveness: Reduce costs by closing the printing facility, reorganising the employees, and streamlining the office layout.

Adopt sustainable practises in content sourcing, distribution, and digital operations to lessen your influence on the environment.

Ideas and Possibilities Strategies:

Cross-Functional Teams: Create cross-functional teams to manage efforts related to sustainability, data analytics, and the creation of digital content.

Implement change management procedures to make sure that staff members easily transition into new jobs and responsibilities.

Engage your suppliers by working together with green suppliers and data analytics providers to assist sustainability and company expansion.


Create a centralised digital content hub for content development, audience engagement, and dissemination.

Training Programmes: Create training courses for staff members to improve their knowledge of sustainability issues and digital skills.

Prioritisation of change

Setting change management as a top priority is essential in the context of the Samson Media case study. Effective change management promotes a smooth transition and reduces risks related to employee resistance and potential disruption given the significant move from traditional print to digital media. Setting change management priorities entails:

Engaging Stakeholders: Getting workers, clients, and investors involved early on in the transformation process will help to foster understanding and support.

Clear Communication: Making sure that the vision, goals, and advantages of the digital transformation are communicated clearly and consistently.

Giving employees the training and assistance they need to succeed in their new digital positions.

Monitoring and adaptation: Constantly keeping an eye on how the change is going, getting input, and changing tactics as necessary to deal with problems.

Financial implications

initial investment in digital technology and infrastructure.

ongoing expenses associated with maintaining digital platforms and creating content. Potential increase in revenue from digital subscriptions.

The printing site's closure resulted in cost savings. risks related to the requirement for a successful and long-lasting digital company model.


The case study of Samson Media highlights a number of dangers, such as diminishing profitability, employee reluctance to change, potential data privacy violations throughout the digital shift, and reputational harm from environmental insensitivity.

Communciatoon channels

Staff meetings, digital updates, newsletters, and social media for employees are all examples of effective communication methods. Emails, online announcements, and regular reports can all be used to communicate strategy changes, advancements, and benefits to clients and investors.

Role of change agent

creating and carrying out a change management strategy.

communicating to stakeholders the vision, goals, and benefits.

assisting with employee assistance and training.

Keeping an eye on developments, dealing with problems, and changing tactics. ensuring compatibility with the organization's mission and financial goals.

Personal efficacy

Personal efficacy would refer to the change agent's confidence in their capacity to successfully manage and lead the digital transformation. In order to secure the company's successful transition to digital media, the change agent, for instance, exhibits personal efficacy by successfully managing cross-functional teams, encouraging employee buy-in, and aggressively resolving issues.


By providing helpful advice and assistance to a team member who was having trouble adjusting to new digital tools and procedures, I demonstrated competence. I ensured the team member acquires confidence and proficiency in their new digital position by patiently explaining processes, offering tools for skill development, and making sure they do so. This promoted a more seamless transition.


I showed concern for the long-term employee's wellbeing and future by actively listening to their worries, acknowledging their loyalty, and expressing understanding and empathy for their apprehensions when I spoke with them about job security during the company's digital transformation.


I successfully cultivated trust and respect with a diverse group by actively hearing out their opinions, taking into account cultural variances, and encouraging inclusive communication. They foster a polite and welcoming climate that is favourable to cooperation and constructive change by exhibiting openness, empathy, and a willingness to understand different points of view.


Impatience: Being impatient with the rate of change is a weakness in coping with it. To get around this, I'll work on establishing reasonable deadlines, emphasising small victories, and developing patience so that people and teams can adapt at their own pace.

Occasionally, I might show resistance to criticism when something is changing. I will actively look for advice in order to fix this, keep in mind how valuable it is, and put the needs of the group above my own comfort.

Section 2: Leading strategic change

Stakeholder 1:

  • Person: Sarah, a long-term employee.
  • Stakeholder Group: Employees.


  • What worries do you have about the impending digital transformation? How do you see it?
  • What assistance or tools do you think might help you successfully adapt to the changes?
  • Do you have any particular facets of the transformation that give you hope or enthusiasm?


I have a fair amount of faith in Sarah's ability to adapt to change. She has a thorough understanding of the company and its culture, but she could need more encouragement and assurance owing to worries about her job security throughout the transformation.

Stakeholder 2:

  • Person: Emma, a loyal customer.
  • Stakeholder Group: Customers.


  • How do you feel about magazines moving from print to digital? What characteristics or information would you like to see in digital editions?
  • Would you be interested in purchasing our magazines' digital subscriptions? If not, what could persuade you to?
  • What significance does sustainability have for your decision-making when it comes to fashion magazines, and what expectations do you have for our environmental policies?


I have a fair amount of faith in Emma's capacity for transformation. Her comments as a devoted client might provide insightful information about the tastes and expectations of our readers as they migrate to the digital age.Stakeholder 3:

  • Person: David, a major investor.
  • Stakeholder Group: Investors.


  • What potential effects do you see from the strategy move to digital media on the financial performance of the business?
  • Do you agree with the company's explanation of the purpose and advantages of the transformation?
  • In order to maintain your trust in your investment, what key performance indicators or milestones would you like to see accomplished during this transition process?


I have some faith in David's capacity to adjust to change. He is a significant investor, and since the goals of the transformation are aligned with his interest in the company's financial health, he is likely to contribute positively to the change process.

Section 3: Review

Feedback for management

A constructive appreciation of the need for change is evident in the management's attitude to Samson Media's strategic transformation, particularly in light of the company's dwindling readership and profitability. The dedication to sustainability and digitalization is noteworthy because it reflects society values and business developments. But it's critical to stress efficient change management, taking into account workers' concerns, and making sure there is clear communication. Additionally, it should be a top priority to address the financial ramifications, such as the first digital investment and revenue diversification. Overall, the management's approach to managing this crucial transformation seems to be poised for success with an emphasis on change management and taking financial concerns into account.

Improvement in leadership style

The obtained input has the potential to greatly improve the change agent's leadership and communication style. Customised tactics are possible when stakeholders' worries, such as employees' anxiety or customers' preferences, are understood. By encouraging empathy and adaptability, it helps to improve the leadership style and better meet the various needs of the organisation. Feedback also aids in identifying communication gaps and ensuring that messages are clear, transparent, and in line with stakeholders' expectations. The change agent may develop trust, encourage collaboration, and eventually lead to a more effective and peaceful strategic shift at Samson Media by actively implementing this input into their leadership style and communication techniques.


Stakeholder Engagement is the one area where these improvements will significantly help the change agent. The change agent may strengthen relationships, encourage buy-in, and establish a collaborative atmosphere by actively listening to and resolving the issues, needs, and expectations of varied stakeholders, including employees, clients, and investors. This in turn improves the success of the strategic transformation as a whole and the effectiveness of change management initiatives. A stronger feeling of collective responsibility, increased morale, and improved stakeholder engagement make it easier for the organisation to handle changes and problems in the future.

Professional development activities

  1. Workshops on Stakeholder Engagement: Setting up workshops or training sessions on stakeholder engagement can be quite helpful. The change agent and their team can practise effective communication, active listening, and empathy in these seminars by participating in role-play situations, interactive conversations, and case studies. These exercises will improve their capacity for comprehending and responding to the demands and concerns of stakeholders.
  2. Coaching in leadership and communication: Working one-on-one with a seasoned leader or communication specialist can offer specialised advice. With a focus on stakeholder involvement, these sessions can assist the change agent in improving their leadership style and communication tactics. The coach can offer advice, suggest trust-building strategies, and help in formulating a communication strategy that is suited to the individual requirements of various stakeholders.

Intention for personal development

My personal development will be an ongoing process of growth and improvement in the upcoming years. Maintaining a pulse on new developments in my field's technologies and trends will be a top priority for me. In addition, I want to promote a broad perspective via reading, taking classes, and networking. To further build my adaptability and resilience, I will actively look for opportunities to leave my comfort zone, take on novel tasks, and take calculated risks. In addition to building emotional intelligence, keeping a healthy work-life balance, and continually improving my problem-solving and leadership skills, I'm committed to helping others grow personally and professionally.

Intention for personal leadership style

I am determined to strengthen my own leadership style over the coming years by concentrating on a few key areas. I want to start by making investments in my ongoing education and self-awareness, routinely seeking feedback, and participating in leadership development courses. In order to better connect with and comprehend a variety of stakeholders, I also want to improve my communication skills, particularly in active listening and empathy. Additionally, I want to embrace adaptation, be receptive to fresh perspectives, and encourage an innovative work environment among my teams. My ultimate objective is to develop into a more inclusive, cooperative, and effective leader who encourages growth and change within my organisation.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : September 13th, 2023
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  • Views : 74

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