ANTH101 - Impacts Of Resettlement And Globalization On Dobe Ju/'hoansi Cutlure - Eassy Writing Arts And Humanities Assignment Help
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Note: the essay, no matter what topic is chosen, must include material from the course text, Brown, et al, Perspectives, additional material from Lee Dobe Ju/’hoansi, additional academic sources, and follow the guidelines described in the ANTH 101 course syllabus. Do not use encyclopedias or Wikipediae as source material.
1. Most societies have ceremonies to mark changes of status, often gender-specific ceremonies, such as puberty rites, that highlight gender definitions and relations in a specific society. Write an essay explaining the significance of rites of passage and their symbolic representation, and how culture creates, shapes and symbolically represents identity. Use Dobe Ju/’hoansi examples.
2. Anthropologists have long seen kinship and descent as important elements in societies. Write an essay showing eitehr how the roles of men and women differ in Dobe Ju/’hoansi society or the importance of kinship and marriage in a Dobe Ju/’hoansi society.
3. How have anthropologists described the impacts on formerly non-industrialized rural and/or tribal peoples due to the expanding industrial world system? Use the Dobe Ju/’hoansi as descibed by Lee to descibe the changes that have had an impact on Dobe Ju/’hoansi people/culture and changes due to one or more of assimilation, forced acculturation, colonialism, globalization, loss of traditional rights and territory, and accelerated social change.
4. The rights of Indigenous peoples are often under stress due to colonialism and industrial resource extraction. Write an essay on this issue, using as an example Dobe Ju/’hoansi rights issues and struggles as described by Lee.
5. Different cultures have different explanations for events, for understanding and classifying the world. Explain the cultural logic of Dobe Ju/’hoansi knowledge or belief systems.
6. What are the impacts of resettlement and globalization on Dobe Ju/'hoansi cutlure and society? How does this fit the ‘big picture’ from an anthropologucal perspective?
7. Any other ideas for topics for Essay 2 must be approved in advance with the instructor.
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