Australian Social Work Assessment
To critically reflect on specific course readings to demonstrate a deep understanding of key themes presented in the readings, authorial voice, and standpoint for identification of personal and professional values and ethical practice principles.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Assessed
- CLO #1 Understand historical and contemporary social and political issues that impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- CLO #2 Demonstrate knowledge of culturally responsive practices with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- CLO #3 Identify personal and professional values in practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- CLO #4 Demonstrate collaboration, group work, communication and interpersonal skills of social work practice to apply for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Task Instructions
- Students will choose two specific required course readings and critically reflect on what they have learnt from the key themes, authorial voice, standpoint and theoretical discussion presented in the two readings. They will share their positionality and worldviews to clarify how these key elements will influence their developing practice framework for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In that light, students will draw on personal and professional values and ethical practice principles to make specific links to cultural responsiveness.
- Students will relate to the learnings identified in the two readings and reflect on any shifts and/or changes in their beliefs, attitudes and values for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- The two readings must be academic, peer-reviewed literature such as journal articles and/or book chapters, and from two different weeks. You can write and submit this reflective journal any time after Week 6. However, it is still due in Week 9.
- Students are required to use the cultural protocol guides regarding the appropriate use of terms and language for engaging and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. You are asked to demonstrate clear and specific knowledge of culturally responsive practices with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This will also include identification and demonstration of your personal and professional values in practice.
- The other criteria include logical and coherent structure, clear expression of thoughts and ideas in demonstrating your critical understanding of the content discussed in the chosen two readings, and the use of correct APA 7 referencing style.
- Include a title page with Course title, assignment title, your name, tutorial time and day, tutor name. Write in Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing.
- This assessment task is an individual written work of 1000 words in length (+/- 10%). After completing your journal, you will submit it on Canvas site on Friday in Week 9 before 11.59pm. The assessment task is worth 25% of the total mark. You are required to use and provide at least four relevant academic scholarly peer-reviewed references from Course Readings. The two readings you choose for this task are not included as those four references. Please refer to the marking rubric.
Useful Resources
- Assessment 2 Reflective JournalFAQs
- How to write a reflective journal - A general guide
- Reflective Writing Practice Guide-Vocabulary Aid - files/ALIA-Docs/Reflective-Practice-Vocabulary.pdf
- Hull University. (n.d.). Reflective writing: Reflective writing for academic assessment. Available from to an external site.
- University of Wollongong. (n.d.). Reflective writing. Available from
- APA 7 Referencing style:
- Example of APA 7 referencing style in an academic publication
- APA 7 Common Reference Examples