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Biological Psychology

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 430250
Question Task Id: 0

Biological Psychology

  1. Do we get the 10 percent leeway for Assignment 1?
  2. How do I apply for an extension?
  3. I am struggling to keep within the word count for this assignment – what advice can you give me?
  4. Is there a minimum word count?
  5. Can you recommend a good website that checks for plagiarism? What if Turnitin shows a high similarity rating but I don't think I plagiarized?
  6. Should we include abbreviations in the title?
  7. How do you write a good title?
  8. What statistics should we report in our Abstract?
  9. If I define an abbreviation in the Abstract, can I then use the abbreviation in the lab report or do I need to redefine it?
  10. What format does the lab report have to be in? Where can I find information about APA 7 format?
  11. Should we ask rhetorical questions in lab reports?
  12. How do I choose what terms to define in a lab report?
  13. In the Abstract, do we need to state what statistical tests we used?
  14. Do we need to include limitations or future directions in the Abstract?
  15. Can we use subheadings in the Abstract?
  16. Do we need to provide references in the Abstract?
  17. How long should the Abstract be?
  18. Do we need to include the aim and hypotheses in the Abstract?
  19. Should we use pronouns for a lab report?
  20. What tense should we write in for the lab report?
  21. Should we write a different rationale from what has been presented in Tutorial 1?
  22. How much research do I need to include in my Introduction section/lab report?
  23. How much detail do I include for each study reviewed in my Introduction section?
  24. Is my literature review and rationale in the Introduction section separate or integrated?
  25. Should we rephrase our hypotheses from the Tutorial 1 slides?
  26. Should we repeat information from the Methods section
  27. Do you report exact p-values?
  28. If we want to comment on figures/tables, should it be under the ‘results’ section or its own section?
  29. Should I include a leading zero when reporting my results or not?
  30. Do you halve the effect sizes or t-values for a one-tailed t-test?
  31. Do we report the descriptive statistics that are already in the graph in words in the results section?
  32. Do we report the sex split, or age of participants, in the results section?
  33. Are there any resources you would recommend for someone who is struggling with understanding/analysing what all of the outputs mean for the t-tests? I think I am getting caught up on what outputs (df, t, p, mean difference etc.) that I should be including in my results.
  34. Do I need to include confidence intervals in my lab report?
  35. What statistics do I need to include in my lab report?
  36. What should we define in tables and figures?
  37. Should I alter the figure from what is presented at the end of tutorial 2?
  38. What if there is a difference between halving the two-tailed value manually to obtain the one-tailed value, and clicking the option to display the one-tailed value in JASP?
  39. When we ‘compare and contrast’ studies are we comparing methodologies of studies?
  40. What kind of interpretation can I make on the basis of my data in my discussion section?
  41. How do I know if a limitation is relevant or not?
  42. If a study has limitations can we interpret results?
  43. In my discussion, can I make interpretations that involve comparing Shepard figures with hands on the basis of our results?
  44. Should we mention strategy in our discussion and introduction sections?
  45. Could the TMS pulse in our study have disrupted adjacent brain regions?
  46. Is Sham TMS effective?
  • Uploaded By : Abhi
  • Posted on : May 27th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 371

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more