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BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies Assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-23 05:23:35
Order Code: 487656
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Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Describe three consultation and communication processes that a company could use to support and encourage staff to contribute to policy and procedure development processes.

2. Describe the contemporary approach of design thinking to organisational learning strategy development.

3. Identify and describe two organisational learning theories that can be used as a basis for developing an organisational learning strategy.

4. Describe the importance of continuous improvement as part of a companys organisational learning strategy and outline three types of continuous improvement processes that could be used to undertake this.

5. Describe three evaluation strategies that can be used for reviewing organisational learning strategy.

6. Describe two quality management compliance requirements relating to organisational learning.

7. Identify and describe two international compliance requirements relating to e-learning.

8. Review the following documents: https://www.vrqa.vic.gov.au/Documents/VETEssecondstandrdsgdcont.pdf https://www.asqa.gov.au/standards/chapter-4 In relation to conducting assessment, review and list the compliance requirements and obligations under each framework. Also list and describe the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence as part of your review.

9. Review the documents in the previous question, as well as the following: https://www.iste.org/standards/for-educators In relation to learning resources, review and list compliance requirements and obligations under each framework, as well as best practice standards for learning resources as per the international standards as above. List and explain at least three criteria that you would use to source learning resources based on these standards.

10. Identify and describe an example of each of the below that would be relevant to a person working in a learning and development role. Describe how each is relevant. a. Legislation b. Code of practice c. National standards

11. Identify and describe two technology and systems requirements that should ideally be in place to facilitate the implementation of an organisational learning strategy.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 23rd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 398

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