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BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan Assessment

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Added on: 2022-10-28 05:56:31
Order Code: 472889
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Requires you to submit an operational plan as detailed overleaf or as negotiated with your trainer.

The Hotel Futura management has adopted a proposal to utilise a sunny indoor section of the lobby as a service point for morning and afternoon teas. It fits all the legal requirements regarding the serving of food and after a cost-benefit analysis, it was seen to potentially create a lucrative new revenue stream in a previously revenue-neutral floor space.

As the Financial Controller, the next part of the operational planning phase requires you to do an analysis on the financial positions of two different options. The first option is to install a full espresso coffee service station in the designated area and the second option is to utilise the existing coffee facilities inside the busy 24 hour coffee shop outlet, situated 30 meters diagonally across the foyer.

Among other evaluation activities in the initial planning phase, a guest marketing survey was conducted, the trading figures for the coffee shop were analysed and the following data emerged:

  • Initial estimated covers per lobby tea service per week = 250 customers

  • Budgeted average spend per cover excluding including GST = $18.50

  • Two existing food service attendants are allocated for 2.5 hours for each service period.

  • One food service attendant will need to be hired to ensure the operation can operate 7 days a week.

  • Each tea service operates for 2 hours only i.e. 10.00am-12.00pm and 2:30-4:30pm

  • The existing low tables and comfortable lobby style seating are to be used so no other capital outlay is required to establish the revenue stream

  • The room service kitchen prepares the sandwiches and delivers them to the pass in the pastry section of the main production kitchen, located directly behind the proposed outlet. Gteaux and pastries are prepared and plated up by the pastry section

  • The 2 food service attendants order and collect all food orders for this outlet from the pastry section pass in the main production kitchen, via a convenient service entry door located directly behind the proposed lobby tea area

  • A set of service fridges in the front kitchen can be utilised for the storage and service of chilled alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Your Task:

Develop an operational plan using a suitable template which needs to include the following details:

    1. A description of the operation.

    1. The aim of the operational plan What are you trying to achieve?

    1. A SWOT analysis of the business environment This could include similar scenarios relevant to your area and must include legal requirements for this type of operation.

    1. A detailed overview of resource requirements and options:


      Human Resources needs

  • An overview of financial requirements related to all resource requirements and options including financial requirements (given the first 3 months are used to establish the operation and are budgeted for).

    Using current trade equipment prices, analyse the most financially viable option for the hotel, either by purchasing or leasing and installing a full espresso coffee station or utilising the existing coffee facilities from the coffee shop outlet,

  • Requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities in recruitment and acquisition of resources and services.

    1. A contingency plan with alternative options for each key aspect of the operational planning stages.

    1. The timeframes required to implement this project

    1. The consultation requirements and provisions including timelines.

    1. The evaluation methods you will use to measure the performance of each aspect of this project.


Requires you to submit a resource acquisition plan that clearly outlines the provisions for this and how resources will be managed effectively.

In this part of the assessment you are required to outline the processes and procedures you use for planning and managing the required physical and human resources. You are required to address the following aspects:

  1. Discuss your findings for the different options for the coffee machine you have researched in Part A with the Executive chef and F&B manager in your workplace, or as a role play with fellow students and/or your trainer. Provide a script of the details that were discussed and the findings of discussions with the Executive Chef and the Food and Beverage Manager regarding the pros and cons of operating a high quality food and beverage service in each situation. Depending on your training situation this may be completed in form of observation of your discussion with the 2 staff.

  2. Provide an overview of the Standard Operating Procedures which would be required to implement this operation with staff to ensure all operational and legal aspects are covered.

  3. Provide a job description for the role of a food service attendant for this particular operation. Which duties would this need to include and how will you ensure these are performed by the staff member? Provide an overview of the documentation, communication requirements and any other strategies you will use to ensure performance initially and monitor ongoing performance.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : October 28th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 233

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