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BSBPMG540 Manage project integration Case Study

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Added on: 2023-04-07 11:17:49
Order Code: 488500
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Case study option 1:

Australian Organic & Native food Australia is based in Coffs Harbour, NSW.

The business was established in 2015 to cater for a demand for Australian native food products. The company has organic certification. The company manufactures and retails a range of organic, Australian native foods including Native herbs and spices, Native herbal teas, Native fruit jams and conserves.

Currently the business is selling its products through a number of small supermarkets and health stores throughout Australia. The company also has a very basic website which is not suitable to deal with online customer. After a thorough market review and trend analysis, this company has adopted following strategic business objectives for next three years:

  • Increase online sales
  • create brand awareness
  • develop a broader product range, and
  • expand into overseas markets, most likely Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.

As the project manager, you have been asked by the CEO to undertake and coordinate a project to develop a new website.

The Operations Manager has advised that the website is to include a shopping cart so customers can order products directly through the website. He would also like customers to be able to access recipes and general information about the health benefits of bush spices.

Case study option 2:

You and your business partner own a Constructions and building company. You have been contracted by a client to build a residential house. Your client has a budget of $500,000 excluding landscaping. You are required to complete the construction within 6 months from the date you have access to the site.

Case study option 3:

R&R solar system, Hobart Tasmania

R&R provide all range of customized, integrated solar solutions and products to the customers in all sectors. As a project manager of this company, you are assigned to undertake and coordinate a project to install a solar system to one of your clients residential premises.

Case study option 4:

You are working in a multi-national organisation which operates in Australia, New Zealand and South pacific. You have been assigned to undertake, coordinate and implement a project name Digitization of corporate archives to cloud server- Digitization of corporate archives to cloud server is a project to convert archived document in organisation to digital version that can be easily accessed while maintaining its security. It also gives remote access capabilities and collaboration for employees in Australia, New Zealand and South pacific.

Case study option 5:

You can choose any project in which you are currently involved or previously worked for.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 07th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 479

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