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BSBSTR402 Implement Continuous Improvement Assignment

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Added on: 2023-01-17 05:52:32
Order Code: 484061
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Task 471  -  Identify and Plan for Improvement

T471.1 If a system or process needed to be improved in your organisation.  Who are the people that make the decisions to implement these improvements? Do you think you are a part of the improvement process?

T471.2 Speak to your supervisor and colleagues and:

T471.2.1 Identify and list some of the system and process problems that you identify in your organisation.

T471.2.2 Identify the root cause of each problem. 

E.g. poor set out of office or factory floor

T471.2.3 Score each problem. (5 – high to 1 – low)

T471.3 Can you suggest an improvement in system or process for the highest scoring problem in order to benefit your organisation.

T471.4 How would you communicate this need for an improvement to your supervisor.

Do you have feedback forms, reports or another method of when you have identified a need for change?  If so can you provide a copy and explain the process?

T471.5 What suggestions do you have to continue the ongoing identification and review of systems and processes in your organisation?

Task 472 - Monitor Implementation of Continuous Improvement

In consultation with your supervisor and work colleagues, comment of the following,

T472.1 Does your organisation monitor team performance? Describe any systems that are currently in place in a few sentences.  How do you use technology to monitor team performance? 

T472.2 Give an example of when you or a colleague has consulted with a manager and contributed to a new system or process of continuous improvement in your workplace.

T472.3 Give an example of when you or a colleague have maintained the processes of continuous improvement. 

Example may be working with a client or customer service, or following WH&S procedures.

T472.4 Give an example of when you or a colleague have identified and resolved a system and process issue of continuous improvement.

T472.5 To maintain continuous improvement of system and processes.  If you were a supervisor, what would you do to mentor someone to ensure that employees continue to maintain a continuous improvement process.

Task 473 – Evaluate Implementation of Continuous Improvement 

An objective or key performance indicator (KPI) is a measure of performance based on a rating system. For example, a key performance indicator for Civil Construction could be the number hours spent on a machine or downtime of equipment. For sales it could be the number of new clients brought in per week. More information on this topic can be found in your Learner Guide.

 T473.1 Provide a copy of a report on key performance indicators of your team, that displays the effectiveness and productivity of your team.
T473.2 Explain how this report assists in the identification of further opportunities for improvement to the staff and management.

T473.3 Explain how Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), reports and recommendations for improvement within the organisation are currently monitored.  

E.g., are there KPI reports?  How often do you report?  Is there an improvement process in place as a result of the reports?
T473.4 What recommendations for improvement do you have for the monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), in your department?

Task 474 - Written explanations

T474.1 Research and very briefly explain two continuous improvement processes and how do you think they could be implemented in your organisation?

T474.2 Research and very briefly explain two change management techniques which support continuous improvement.  How do you think they could be implemented in your organisation?

Task 475 - Application to you and your organisation

Considering what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions: 

T475.1 What is the number one thing you have learned from this unit AND why is it number one?

T475.2 How will this new knowledge benefit You and/or your organisation? 

T475.3 To apply this knowledge, in your life or organisation, what is the next step you will need to take? 

 T475.4 When will this step be completed?   

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : January 17th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 227

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