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BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents- Burleigh Accountants Case Study

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Added on: 2023-03-16 04:58:53
Order Code: 487366
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You are the Administration Officer for Burleigh Accountants. Your main duties as the Administration Officer include administering the day-to-day activities of the office, including organising meetings and travel, producing a range of business documents, providing assistance and support to all senior managers, and answering a range of client enquiries.

  1. You have been asked to develop a Memo. Additional information to develop the memo:

You must develop a memo to let the staff know that new recycling bins have been placed in the open area next to the kitchen in an effort to reduce office waste and become a sustainable workplace.

There will be a bin for paper, a small bin for polystyrene, and a large bin for glass, plastics and cans.

  1. As the Administration Officer, it is also your responsibility to design and produce the monthly staff newsletter based on information provided to you by the Office Manager. The newsletter has only recently been implemented as an initiative designed to keep employees up to date and to improve employee morale.

Each month, the newsletter includes a number of regular items including industry spotlight, health at work, employee spotlight, new clients and news and upcoming events.

Additional information to develop the newsletter:

As advised by the Office Manager, the next months copy of the staff newsletter is to include the following information:

Industry spotlight

This months focus will be a review of Australian Accounting Trends. You are required to use the Internet to find any suitable article about current accounting trends and select two trends to write about in your newsletter. Describe each trend in 3-4 sentences, using your own words. Also include a link to the article.

Health at work

This months focus will be on providing tips for staff to incorporate physical activity into their work day. You are required to use the Internet to find any suitable article about office exercises or adding activity to a workday, and summarise the content in your own words. Your summary should be 3 4 sentences and you need to include a link to the article, as well as an encouragement to staff members to read the information at the link.

Employee spotlight

Each month the newsletter includes a focus on a staff member. The purpose of this section of the newsletter is to introduce staff members and their interests outside of work. A photo of the staff member is included as well as responses to the following questions:

  • What is your role at Burleigh Accountants?
  • What kind of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
  • What is one thing you couldnt live without?
  • What is your hidden talent?
  • What is your favourite movie and book and why?

This month the employee spotlight will be on you as the Administration Officer. You will need to take a photo of yourself for inclusion in the newsletter and provide a response to each of the questions above. Your response for each question should be limited to 3 or 4 sentences. You should take the photo of yourself using a Smart Phone or iPad or similar device and import the photo onto your computer and then into the staff newsletter.

New client information

Provide information to staff about a new client. This may be any business and you may make the contact details up. Provide a brief description of the business and a welcome to the new client.

News and upcoming events

Advertise any upcoming industry related event by including a description of the event and contact details (or link to a website).

  1. The manager would like you to create presentation slides using PowerPoint for a meeting he will have with all

Additional information to develop presentation slides:

You will produce 3-5 slides, including one Title slide with the title Accounting Trends. Your slides should contain the following information:

A summary of the two trends you wrote about in your newsletter. You must use bullet points and suitable images to make your slides interesting.

  1. The Office manager would also like you to develop an email to notify all staff that companys Internal Communications Policy and Procedures has being

Additional information to develop email:

The Office Manager would like you to develop an email requesting all staff to review the Internal Communications Policy and Procedures. In order for the staff to review the document, you will need to provide the following file path in the body of the email:

C:UsersBurleigh Accountants Shared DriveDropboxPolicies and Procedures Ask the staff members to look for the Word document in the folder and review it.

Burleigh Accountants

Style Guide

Purpose of the Guide

The purpose of this document is to help individuals and departments to prepare company documentation consistent with the Burleigh Accountants corporate style.

The Style Guide explains the style to be applied to company documentation, together with information on typography, and advice for writing and producing documents.

It is recognised that there will be documentation which is outside these guidelines, but the general format should be followed wherever possible.

This Style Guide has been developed to encompass the character of Burleigh Accountants and reflects the new progressive approach to the expansion of the organisation whilst still maintaining the sense of tradition and history.

Writing Style

Composition should be concise, friendly, and professional in keeping with the mission statement of Burleigh Accountant. Documents should be visually appealing and use unambiguous language.

Standard Operating Environment

Burleigh Accountants standard operating environment (SOE) is Microsoft Windows.

Documentation should be produced using Microsoft Word. This will ensure portability of files and consistency of operation.

Company logo

Burleigh Accountants logo must appear on all documentation. The logo is provided as an image at the top of this document and should be included at the top of all documents.

As a registered trademark and symbolic of Burleigh Accountants, neither the company name nor logo may be varied in any aspect (for example: ratio, typeface or colour).


Hyperlinks may be either:

  • Internet hyperlinks which take the reader to a web site if a modem is in Internet hyperlinks must begin with https://
  • Word hyperlinks appear as normal text in a printed document, but in an electronic document are distinguished by the mouse cursor turning into the pointing hand shape when passing over


There are no standard templates for documents at Burleigh Accountants and writers may use their own formats for documents as long as the Style Guide is followed.

Note that all letters sent to external parties must be signed by a Senior Accountant or Senior Manager.

Page Layout

Only A4 paper is to be used for Burleigh Accounts documents. The page margins must be as follows:

  • All margins (left, right, top and bottom) 54cm
  • Header or footer 27cm from the margin line.

Headers and footers


Headers are used for all documents of more than one page. They contain the Burleigh Accountants logo, the title of the document and the title of the current section (if applicable).

The Burleigh Accountants logo must appear at the top and centre of every document


Footers are used for all documents (except for letters, memos and emails) and must contain the filename, the version of the document, the date and the page number.


  • Styles

The standard font for all Burleigh Accountants documents is Arial 11. Headings should be bolded with Heading 1 in 14 pt. and Heading 2 in 12 pt.

  • Printing

Printing must be double-sided where possible. All printing should be done on recycled paper.

  • Filing

Files must be named according to the file type e.g., Invoice 123. The version and the date must also be included.

All documents must be filed in the appropriate folder on Burleigh Accountants computer system. Current folders are:

  • Administration
  • Invoicing
  • Correspondence
  • Purchase orders
  • Marketing
  • Flyers and memos
  • Special offers
  • Customer correspondence
  • Staffing
  • Staff files
  • Human resources policies and procedures
  • Newsletters (file by month)
  • General Policies and Procedures, forms and supporting presentations
  • Record keeping policies and procedure
  • Record keeping presentations
  • Record keeping forms
  • Complaints handling policy and procedure
  • Presentations
  • Complaints forms
  • Work health and safety policy and procedure
  • WHS presentations
  • WHS forms

If there is no relevant folder, staff should create a new folder. Emails will not be stored in a folder but must have a clear subject line in order to be able to search for and recall the information.


Burleigh Accountants complies with the Privacy Act 1995 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

When providing services, Burleigh Accountants will usually collect personal information including the clients name, address and contact details and information specific to the service being delivered.

Burleigh Accountants will treat all client personal information confidentially and will not disclose any details to another person or organisation.

Access to information is restricted to the relevant authorised staff. Information deemed inaccurate, irrelevant or out of date is destroyed.

Newsletter Style Guide

The following style points should be followed when designing and producing newsletters.

  • The Burleigh Accountants logo should be used as a header on each page of the
  • Headings should be bolded with Heading 1 in 14 pt. and sub-headings bolded with Heading 2 in 12
  • Use Arial 10 for
  • Keep it
  • No more than 3 pages per newsletter
  • Keep it bright and
  • Break up blocks of text with photos, graphics or
  • Break up your pages with white
  • Print in
  • Use sub-headings.
  • Put text in boxes, or shaded


Copyright must be taken into account. If a report or article is to be included, make sure you acknowledge the author and/or source of the publication.

Email Style Guide

All emails should be written as follows:

  • Write a clear subject
  • Use greeting and closing as you would in a
  • For clients use their first name or Mr or Mrs if
  • Where the email is to all staff use Dear All.
  • End the email with Yours Sincerely.
  • For staff, use first names and use Kind Regards in
  • Use short paragraphs and insert blank lines between each
  • Use bullet points if
  • Keep the email
  • Proof read the email at least once before sending

Memo Style Guide

Your Memo must contain the following:

The Burleigh Accountants logo at the top of the page.

The word Memo, capitalised, bolded and placed at the top and centre of the page, directly underneath the logo. You may use any font size larger than 14pt.

The following subheadings and descriptions must be included, using font size 14pt. You must use bold print for subheadings (for example, To:. )

To: Burleigh Accounting staff members From: Include your name and title

Date: Write out the full date (for example, June 30, 2017) Subject: Make the subject brief and descriptive

You will need to write the information you wish to share in short paragraphs. Memos must have a box page border with line with at pt.

Power Point Style Guide

All PowerPoint presentations should be developed using a suitable template to reflect our corporate colours.

The first slide must be a Title slide. The layout of all other slides should be selected based on the information that needs to be displayed.

Use the default heading fonts included in the selected template. Increase the font size as required.

Do not include too much text on each power point. Make key points and then notes to guide the presenter.

Use images to break up the text and to illustrate points.

When printing out a copy of the presentation, have four or six slides per page for reviewing, and then three slides per page with lines to the right of each slide for note taking.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 16th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 491

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more