diff_months: 18

Business Analytics Assignment

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Added on: 2023-04-15 04:37:09
Order Code: 488814
Question Task Id: 0
  1. Create Aliases to Rename Members in the view and take a screenshot of it.

Hint: (You may want to make a excel sheet and connect it to tableau with above information)

  1.  In the data pane, right-click a dimension (e.g., Drinks) and select Aliases.

  2. In the Edit Aliases dialog box, under Value (Alias), select a member and enter a new name (for e.g. For coke you could write Cokes). You have to enter a new name for every records.

  3. Click Ok

To verify the correctness of your work:

  1. Duplicate the dimension you have aliased before (e.g., Drinks) by right clicking on it and selecting duplicate.

  2. Then right click on Drinks(copy), click aliases, and then click clear aliases.

  3. Click Ok.

  4. Drag Sales to the rows and drinks and drinks(copy) to columns.

  5. Select side-by-sidebars from the show me tab on your right-hand side.

  6. Make a Screenshot of it.

  7. Your screenshot should look something like below:

  1. Repeat the step 1 for every dimension in the table and follow the steps.

  2. What do we have to do if Aliases does not appear in the dialog box when we right click?

  3. Why do we want to create aliases in tableau?

  4. For what kind of data, we can create Aliases?

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 15th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 224

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