Business Management & Globalization Assessment
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A business continuity plan is a project that highlights how an organization would continue to function during and after the pandemic. It involves planning how your key the services or products of a business can continue to be offered to customers amidst any changes in both internal and external business conditions. However each business is unique and thus, you are tasked to create a specific plan that best suits your selected business and operational needs.
In creating this plan, you need to put into consideration the presence of infectious diseases to a scale as big as a pandemic or a severe seasonal outbreak. In regards to the pandemic scenario, you are expected to address the immediate business concerns such as, infection control measures, workforce plans, financial limitations or budget allocations, operation and recovery plans, and other business needs that you think that would emanate from a pandemic situation. Discuss your business continuity in a recorded video as the assignments. Assignments are to be submitted in video format only in the Google classroom. Each video must be between 5 to 10 minutes.
Learning Objective
Students should treat the assignment as an opportunity to build knowledge in research and analyzing data, as well as inspire them to be creative by coming up with their own ideas or solutions in the real situations. How detailed the plan will depend on the type of business, how complex the organization is, and its size. Students are expected to apply their knowledge and ability to demonstrate their understanding throughout the details they put in their plan and they will also learnto present and justify how their solutions are flexible enough and proportional to match the level of threat that has been occurring since 2020.