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Business Requirements Analysis

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 441255
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DescriptionYour mission in the Module 3 project is to analyse the business needs and context, potentially available dataand present three business analytics initiatives appropriate for Taste of Venice, i.e., your Client, then specifyand evaluate the users' requirements using user stories for a selected initiative.

Specific RequirementsTaste of Venice implemented a digital solution consisting of an online table booking and menu selection systemand automated some associated business processes. This digital solution has quickly turned into a huge datahub that collects and stores data about its patrons, their preferences, dining behaviours, and experience.Taste of Venice also generated unstructured and structured data from various business activities and legacybusiness information systems. They also access customer reviews and ratings from various social mediaplatforms.

You are required to explore and create the potential value of their data to help Taste of Venice achieve theirbusiness goals of recovering from the pandemic and successfully compete in beyond it, for example throughincreasing operational efficiency, improving customer satisfaction and retention rate, increasing profits andreputation

Typical Business Questions include (but are not limited to):

Who are frequent patrons and what foods do they often order? What are the most recommended foods as reviewed by their patrons? How do customers rate/review Taste of Venice's foods and services? What is their experience and satisfaction with other aspects (such as atmosphere, accessibility andenvironment footprints)?

Your tasks in this assignment include:

Part 1: in week 8, develop three business analytics initiatives (proposals) based on the providedbackground to assist the Client to achieve one or more selected business goals. Three initiatives anda recommendation(s) are required for A3.P1. Part 2: in week 9, develop user stories based on the recommended business analytics initiative. Eightuser stories (and associated themes and epics) are required for A3.P2. Part 3: in week 10, evaluate user stories using INVEST and prioritise them. User story evaluation andexecutive summary for the project are required for A3.P3.

  • Uploaded By : Abhi
  • Posted on : June 16th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 182

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