diff_months: 19

BUSM7058 Leadership Development Report

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Added on: 2023-07-18 06:16:48
Order Code: clt184184
Question Task Id: 0

Details - Part 1: Report Leadership Development

You will prepare a 1-5-year Leadership Development Plan for yourself. The plan should be based on reflection of current international leadership practices and identify actions to be taken to enhance future leadership practices.

Since this is a development plan, it will require substantial amount of thinking, reflection, and library and online database research of academic (scholarly and practitioner-oriented) journals or books. No Wikipedia or unauthenticated website information should be used for writing this plan. Please start working on this assignment earlier in the semester to ensure you are able to write a high-quality paper.

You are required to include a minimum of 10 recent academic sources. Also be careful not to over-rely on any single source.

Your plan must be written 1500 words, excluding references and appendices. It must include the following sections:

  1. A title page, including your full name, title of the paper, submission date and subject title/number;
  2. An abstract of less than 250 words on a separate page (not included in word count);
  3. Body of the paper that provides:
    • Introduction: Please provide background information about your strengths and improvement areas, leadership needs, including leadership of cultural diversity how these were assessed and when.
    • Develop a current and future development plan including:
  4. Explain your overall future leadership goals and how the development plan aims to fulfill these goals (Your 15focus should be on development and not simply training);
  5. Analyse current/emerging theoretical views and industry trends on leadership practice relating to your leadership goals (Please note that your plan must reflect future leadership practices including leadership of cultural diversity that links with your goals);
  6. Make recommendations on your future relevant leadership development opportunities linked to your leadership goals including potential exposure to international business and/or multinational corporation opportunities? (Be specific and identify who would assist you with the leadership development such as coaches, mentors, programs, etc).

Details - Part 2 Leadership Development Presentation/Reflection (10%)

Many academics and practitioners have pointed to the need for leaders (and other professionals) to reflect both in their practice and learning. Reflection relates to people becoming aware of who they are, becoming critically aware of the way they interact with others and the way they might make decisions etc.

There have also been comments from academics and practitioners about the usefulness of an MBA. One of the main arguments is that more reflective thinking is critical, and where this would allow leaders and/or potential leaders to optimize the benefits of such learning.

Therefore, Part 2 of this assessment requires you to deliver a short (5-minute) individual presentation/reflection on:

  • what has made an impact on you so far in this subject;
  • why you reflected on that practice or learning; and
  • how you plan to implement and monitor this new practice in the future, including cultural diversity leadership.

You do not necessarily need to agree on what has been related to you in either the readings, lectures, or sessions but the most important aspect is to be able to critically appraise the learning experiences and your learning.

To be able to critically appraise a learning experience, you will need to evaluate the argument/s made for embracing (or dismissing) what you have learned by being able to acknowledge credible sources and what they have proposed.

By doing this, you will be able to have a critical basis on which to form your views. This takes it beyond purely personal opinion.

To reiterate, you are asked to do a short five 5-minute presentation to augment the written report because the reflection is an important part of learning. Here you will have the opportunity to see what other people have acknowledged as important, thus, enabling you to have numerous accounts on the reflective process and possible outcomes.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : July 18th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 252

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more