CDS3002 - Counselling Theory and Practice Essay Assessment
Choose ONE (1) issue and ONE (1) target group that is at risk of experiencing this issue from the following list to write a 1500 word essay. Students are to identify the issue and the target group at the beginning of the essay. For example: Issue: Suicide. Target group: young males.
- Suicide (target group might be on a specific group for example, post suicide survivors such as family members of a person that died by suicide)
- Self-harming (target group might be a focus on youth)
- Relationship/family violence (target group can be either people who perpetrate violence or people who experience relationship/family violence)
- Addiction (such as alcohol or gambling, etc)
- Working with children/adolescents who experience behavioural problems.
- Anxiety (target group can be on a specific group, for example school students experiencing anxiety after COVID pandemic)
- Depression (target group can be on a specific group, for example women experiencing postpartum depression after giving birth)
- Trauma (target group can be on a specific group, for example refugee survivors of torture)
- Child abuse (target group can be on a specific group, for example children under the age of 6 ).
- Existential crisis - Spirituality and religion (target group can be a specific group, for example mature aged persons losing long time life partner).
The essay should cover the following areas:
- Provide an overview of the issue. This might include definitions, prevalence, risk factors, symptoms, associated features, co-morbidity, etc. 20%
- Identify and describe a specific target group that might be at greater risk of this issue. If discussing suicide for example the target group might be youth. Discuss and analyse specific issues that are relevant to the target group you have identified. 20%
- Identify and describe strategies to prevent the risk of the problem emerging (or becoming more serious) with relevant at-risk groups, including evidence of effectiveness. 20%
- Explore and discuss approaches and interventions that are recommended for dealing with clients experiencing the issue. Include evidence of effectiveness. (Those studying a counselling major might choose counselling related interventions) 20%
- Identify and describe current resources in the community both at a state and national level that are available to assist the target group you have identified. 5%
(Note:Communication and referencing will make up the final 15% - refer to marking criteria for more detail)