CE6401-Construction Materials Assessment
- Subject Code :
- List any 10 different types of civil engineering applications/structures, and identify the important considerations for selecting the materials used in them.
- Visit a large building and note down the different materials used in its construction. Think and reason out why these particular materials have been used. Find out about
- alternative materials that could have been used instead of each of these.
- Why use red clay bricks when better alternatives are easily available?
- List any 10 different construction materials used commonly in your neighborhood and find how much is the cost for 1 metric ton of each of them.
- Which is better a fly ash brick or a normal red brick?
- How does the quality of construction materials affect the building?
- What is translucent concrete? What are its applications?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of ferrocement?
- What are the various applications of different types of cements used in the construction industry?
- Explain lumber and its uses.
- What are some modern construction materials that would replace the existing traditional construction materials being as effective, cheap and in availability?
- What is geosynthetics and explain its application in construction industry. 13. What are the basic functions of geotextile in tunnel construction?
- What are the materials which could be used by engineers in building construction so as to create the minimum impact on environment?
- What is the advantage of RMC over normal mix concrete when all the materials available at the site.
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