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CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues Assignment

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Added on: 2023-04-11 06:40:57
Order Code: 488642
Question Task Id: 0

Question 1


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to review existing information about the client and consult with relevant health or community services professionals based on client needs.

Medium response required.

a) List three (3) sources of existing information about the client may you review.

b) What information do you need to gather from these sources?

c) Identify three (3) types of client needs and identify the health or community services professionals you would consult in these situations.

Question 2


To provide you with an opportunity identify why you need to discuss with the client reasons for seeking help and other information that may assist in establishing a basis for further work

Short response required.

a) List three (3) common reasons for seeking help.

b) Why is it important to discuss the reasons for seeking help with your client?

c) How do clients who have been mandated to participate in the process differ from voluntary clients?

d) Describe how you will know when a client is actively willing to participate and make a commitment to in the AOD recovery process.

Question 3


To provide you with an opportunity to explain organisation parameters of confidentiality and policy/procedures to client.

Short response required.

a) How would confidential requirements affect you as an AOD Support Worker?

b) List two (2) exceptions to maintaining a clients confidentiality.

c) How would explain to your client your organisations parameters for confidentiality and policy/procedures?

Question 4


To provide you with an opportunity show that you know how to inform the client of the assessment purpose and process and how to confirm clients understanding of the purpose and process of assessment.

Short response required.

a) What aspects of the assessment process will you need to explain to the client?

b) What AOD assessment techniques could be used within a community based organisation that specialises in AOD misuse.

c) How could you confirm that your client has understood the purpose and process of assessment?

Question 5


To provide you with an opportunity to identify and clarify co-existing issues in consultation with the client.

Medium response required.

a) List and describe three (3) co-existing issues a client may present with.

b) How would you approach a clients self-harm issues in terms of identifying and clarifying them with the client?

Question 6


To provide you with an opportunity to identify the clients key familial and social relationships and how they are impacted by their AOD use.

Medium response required.

a) How could family relationships be impacted by AOD misuse?

b) How could social relationships be impacted by AOD misuse?

c) What process would you use to identify a clients key family and social relationships, as well as determining the nature and extent of AOD use and the effect on these relationships?

Question 7


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assess current status, patterns of use and levels of dependence using standardised or approved AOD screening and assessment tools.

Medium response required.

a) Describe Roizens 4 Ls model and how can it be applied.

b) What are AOD screening and assessment tools used for?

a) Explain each of the following in relation to AOD assessment tools:

The types of these tools

The purpose of these tools

The components of different types of tools, and the information they include

The availability of standardised tools

The benefits of standardised tools

How to select tools for different situations and client presentations

c) Provide an example of a series of screening questions that you might use to assess AOD dependency, along with warning signs (or levels where action is required).

Question 8


To provide you with an opportunity to identify which other health professionals to collaborate with as indicated by AOD assessment.

Short response required for each question.

Assessment tip: consider the various age ranges that healthcare professionals may work with.

a) What other healthcare professionals may you need to collaborate with after an AOD assessment?

List and describe six (6) and identify how and why you would collaborate with them.

Question 9


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how to work and assess a range of different clients.

To provide you with an opportunity to identify indicators of other issues that may affect work with the client through observation and questioning.

Long response required.

a) What factors do you need to consider when working with the following types of clients:

b) Youths

c) Older people

d) Different genders

e) Mandated vs. voluntary clients

f) Culturally and linguistically diverse people

g) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, including impacts of trauma

h) List three (3) types of issues that may affect a young person who is struggling with AOD misuse.

i) How would older people with AOD issues differ?

j) List three (3) issues that culturally and linguistically diverse clients may face.

k) Write six (6) questions that would allow you to identify if there were any indicators of other issues that may affect your work with a client.

l) List three (3) observations that would assist in identifying any other issues that may affect your ability to work with a client.

m) List three (3) techniques that you could use to confirm the understanding of your client with AOD issues.

Question 10


To provide you with an opportunity identify how to accurately record assessment results according to defined guidelines; and apply organisation criteria to determine entry to, or exclusion from, services.

Medium response required.

a) Describe three (3) things that you should take into consideration when recording assessment results. Focus on the required standards that will ensure accuracy, and any other relevant guidelines.

b) In the context of working for a community based organisation such as Lifeline, outline the criteria and the associated parameters that could be used to determine a clients entry to, or exclusion from, services.

Question 11


To provide you with an opportunity to identify the features of a clear and comprehensive client assessment report.

Short response required.

a) What information should you include in a clients assessment report?

Think in terms of identifying factors of AOD use, coexisting issues, external factors affecting AOD use, treatment, and any relevant assessments.

Question 12


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to provide feedback to the client based on assessment report.

Short response required.

a) List three (3) types of feedback that you might provide to a client.

b) Describe two (2) possible treatments for AOD use that you could provide as part of your feedback to a client based on their assessment report and explain the purpose of them.

Question 13


To provide you with an opportunity to identify client issues that are outside the scope of the service and/or the scope of an AOD Support Worker.

Short response required.

a) How should you determine if a clients issues are outside the scope of your role and the service that you could provide?

b) List four (4) types of issues that could be outside of your area of expertise as an AOD Support Worker.

Question 14


To provide you with an opportunity to identify appropriate service and other support options for the client and their family members.

Short response required.

a) When might intervention services be appropriate to refer a client with AOD issues to?

b) What is the purpose of providing support options, in relation to the client and their family members?

c) How can different counselling techniques help to promote change when working with clients?

Question 15


To provide you with an opportunity to show you know how to work with the client to determine referral options and responsibilities.

Short response required.

a) What responsibilities does the client have during the assessment process?

b) How could you determine the best option for the client in relation to referral options?

Question 16


To provide you with an opportunity to show you know how to make a referral with client consent; and provide assessment information to others, including relevant health and/or community services professionals according to consent requirements.

Medium response required.

a) When would a referral be appropriate?

b) List three (3) support options that you could offer a client when considering the need for a referral.

c) List three (3) reasons why a client might want to seek other services and support options.

d) What does informed consent mean?

e) Why is it necessary to obtain consent before you proceed with a referral?

f) As part of the referral process how do the requirements of consent relate to the provision of assessment information to others, including relevant health and/or community services professionals?

g) Describe the requirements related to client registration and allocation of services in the context of AOD use.

Question 17


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of legal and ethical requirements in the context of AOD assessment.

Long response required.

Assessment tips:

Use health.gov.au as a guide when drafting your response to this question.

All bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Outline the relevant legal and ethical considerations (international, national, state/territory, and local) in AOD work, and how these are applied in organisations and individual practice for the following:

Children in the workplace

Codes of conduct

Codes of practice


Dignity of risk

Duty of care

Human rights

Informed consent

Mandatory reporting

Practice standards

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure, including limitations

Policy frameworks

Records management

Rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients

Specific AOD legislation list three (3) types

Work role boundaries responsibilities and limitations

Work health and safety

Question 18


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the provisions of services in different contexts in AOD assessment and practice.

Short response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Outline the contexts for the provision of AOD services with the following:

Agency role

Agency target group

The impacts on the local community

Question 19


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of risk assessment processes in relation to interventions and crisis situations in an AOD context.

Medium response required.

a) Describe three (3) crisis situations that you may encounter as a AOD Support Worker.

b) List three (3) things that you would initially do in each of the crisis situations you have described in part A of this question.

c) Explain the risk assessment processes step by step in relation to interventions for people with drug and/or alcohol and co-existing issues.

Question 20


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how to gather sufficient client information when conducting a client assessment.

Medium response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Using the list below as a guide, explain the scope and depth of the client information that you would need to gather in order to undertake a client assessment.

Client objectives and expectations

Client history and pattern of drug use

Client current state of health

Co-existing issues

Question 21


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of organisational processes and protocols in an AOD context .

Medium response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) In relation to AOD use, describe the established processes and protocols for determining the following:

Level of dependence

Length of dependence

Health status

Question 22


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of common co-existing conditions associated with client assessment.

Medium response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Using the list below, describe the common co-existing conditions and the associated issues in relation to the assessment of clients with drug and/or alcohol issues.





Question 23


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of best practice in relation to suicide, self-harming and the associated risks and legal and ethical obligations.

Long response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Using the list below as a guide, outline what you would need to consider when working with clients at risk of self-harm, suicide and/or mental health issues.


Suicidal or self-harming behaviour, ideation or intention

Risk assessment procedures

Safety planning and other management strategies

Links between predisposing factors for suicide, self-harm and other mental health issues

Legal and ethical obligations

When and how to negotiate a no-suicide contract with client

Question 24


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how to gather sufficient client information when conducting a client assessment.

Medium response required.

a) Describe the following health issues in the context of AOD use:


Blood borne diseases

Skin infestations

b) Describe two (2) other health issues that may be caused by frequent AOD use.

c) In the context of AOD, describe the cognitive, social and emotional development and the associated impact on others.

Question 25


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how to gather sufficient client information when conducting a client assessment.

Long response required.

Assessment tip: all bullet points must be addressed in your response to this question.

a) Describe the following types of drugs and how they are administered:




Illicit, describe two (2) different drug types

Prescription, two (2) different drug types

b) Define poly drug use.

c) List three (3) common drug interactions and the effects when taking prescribed drugs with other types of drugs (e.g. cannabis).

d) Using the list below as a guide, what should you identify about a persons general history and pattern of drug use.





e) Write eight (8) questions that you could ask to obtain this information.

f) Based on the drug types detailed in part A of this question, describe the following:

Patterns and prevalence

Signs and symptoms of use

Tolerance and dose levels

Primary properties

Harms/side effects

Preventative strategies

Invention strategies

Stages of withdrawal

g) Outline the current and emerging trends for two (2) of the drug types listed in part A of this question.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 213

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