CHCYTH003 Support young people to create opportunities in their lives Assessment
- Subject Code :
Activity 1
- List 12 principles that should apply to youth work practice, when working on a one-to-one basis or when working with groups of young people.
Activity 2
- Describethe conditionsnecessary for young people to change and grow. 150 words
- List five of the theories that might be used by service providers to help clients change and grow.
Activity 3
- Why is it important to use active listening techniques when interacting with young clients? 130150 words
- What techniques might be used to clarify a young clients concerns and needs? 160180 words
Activity 4
- Explain how social structures affect peoples lives. 80100 words
- Why should service workers help young people identify relationships between their issues and social structures? 150200 words
- What behaviours on the part of the service worker show respect for the young persons culture/s and way of interacting? 150180 words
Activity 5
- List four different communication skills or methods of working with young people that will help them explore their challenges, strengths and resources.
- Reframing can often be of assistance for young clients. What is reframingand how can it help clients explore their challenges, strengths and understanding of their own circumstances? 150170 words
Activity 6
- List six circumstancesor issuesthat are outside the young persons control and can impact on their ability to identify options and create opportunities in their lives.
- Why is it necessary to acknowledge that young people do not necessarily have control over everything that happens to them? 80100 words
Activity 7
- Clients must be allowed to communicate their issues or problems in a way appropriate to their individual needs, background and culture. Explain why. 180200 words
Activity 8
Damien is an 18-year-old client who has presented with a number of issues. You are working with him to identify his real needs, his perceived needs and to prioritise the actions that must be taken. He is extremely stressed and upset. Damien lets you know that he has been thrown out of home after an argument with his parents. He cannot return because his father beats him, but he has left his diabetes medicine at home. He says that his father often physically abuses him, and shows you his injuries. He is very worried because he has been caught shoplifting and has a court appearance in three weeks time. This is actually a first offence. He does not know what will happen or what he should do. He has no means of financial support and because he fears going home he has no place to live. He is dyslexic and has struggled with schoolwork all his life, failing most of his subjects. He left school 18 months ago. As a result he does not believe that he is employable. He has applied for jobs without success and has been receiving basic Centrelink payments but his father takes all of the money from him, calling it board.
- What are his most immediate concerns? How would you prioritise his needs and why would you do it this way? Draw on your own experience and independent research to answer this question. 350400 words
- How will you confirm own understanding of the issues and opportunitiesthat apply to a client like Damien? 80100 words