CIVL3017 Construction Scheduling Assignment
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Tasks (tips can be found from FAQs)
The scenario is that you are working for a construction company and you have been asked by the
project manager to prepare a construction schedule for the project issued. The project will be priced by
the company estimator, and you will prepare the construction plan, providing the estimator with the
overall construction time, as well as determining duration for activities. Your company will be the main
contractor, providing overall project supervision and utilising subcontractors for all trades. The specific
tasks include:
1. Read the plans, understand the scope of the construction work, and identify the work break-down
structure (WBS) for the overall project, at least including:
Site preparation
Internal finishes
External finishes
External works
You will need to identify at least 60 construction activities.
2. Identify the logical sequence and dependencies of construction activities. The best way is to
thoroughly think-through the scheduling process by hand using precedence techniques and then
introduce in MS Project. In the report, you will need to include:
A precedence diagram showing all the construction activities to be scheduled and their
Several paragraphs to explain how you derived the work sequencing (e.g., methods of
construction, major or innovative scheduling ideas) for selected trades or work packages
(you may select up to 3 trades or work packages).
3. Work out the resource requirements and durations for a representative sample of activities (at
least 30 activities should be included) taking into account the quantities, crew sizes, labour and
plant productivity rates and efficient work cycles. (Include copies of the reference labour/plant
productivity rates used, e.g., Rawlinsons, Cordels, etc). The quantities are derived from the
measurements you make for each activity. Assumptions can be made when necessary.
You can use Table 2.1 in the textbook as a template to work out the resource requirements and
4. Use Microsoft Project software to work out the tender construction program. The program must
include all the logic (i.e. linkages) with appropriate lead and lag times for all activities. Hint: do not
have any open ends.
5. Review your program resolving conflicts and levelling your resource requirements.