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Concrete Design Structure Design Assignment

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Added on: 2023-02-14 09:43:10
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You are given two design options for a 8.4m*7.4m concrete structure. You should address the below questions in a report format (include a cover page, introduction, page numbering, and a reference list)

  1. Explain and elaborate the notes provided in the concrete profiles drawing.
  2. Outline the most common types of cracks in concrete and their causes.
  3. Some cracks develop in concrete at a very early stage prior to curing. Investigate these types of cacks including what causes them and how to mitigate their occurrence.
  4. It is noted on the PT drawing in Design Model 1 that the strands should be stressed in two stages, initial stressing and final stressing. Explain the reason for this stage stressing.
  5. Design Analysis: for each design model, based on the provided design loads, calculate the ultimate load imposed on each support (UL = 1.2DL + 1.4LL).
  6. Estimate the cost of quantities (concrete + steel) for both design models. Which design is more efficient?
  7. Apart from material costs, what are the other differences between one way slabs vs two ways slabs (e.g. labour cost, time, aesthetics etc.).
  8. Design model one is prestressed concrete while design model 2 is conventional concrete. Investigate the differences between these two types of reinforced concrete (include all advantages and disadvantages of each type).
  9. Based on all your analysis and including all factors, which is the optimum design option, one or two? Justify you answer.
  10. Perform a risk assessment for the project taking into account all lifespan stages. (Construction phase, operation phase, demolition phase)
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 14th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 499

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