diff_months: 22

COU301AWorkingwithAddictedPopulationsCase Study

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Added on: 2023-05-05 05:47:04
Order Code: clt294346
Question Task Id: 0

Case Study

Brad is a 22 year old male who has been referred to you by a mutual friend of his mother who has asked if you could have a chat with him as he seems to be getting into more and more trouble which she believes is due to his excessive drinking. He has also recently lost his drivers licence for high range drink driving.

You agree and are contacted by Brads mother Sandra: she is clearly very anxious and distressed about Brad and she gives you a blow by blow list of his negative behaviours over the past 2 years. Sandra reports that Brad was diagnosed with ADD at age 9 as was his sister Samantha who is a year older. He has been failing at University over the past 12 months and has become verbally aggressive at home in particular towards herself; he is coming home at all hours and will often sleep all day unless she nags him to get up. She believes Brad is becoming an alcoholic just like her father was and that he needs someone to make him see that he is ruining his life. She states that Brad was such a lovely young man before his drinking escalated with the world at his feet. She also believes he needs to talk about an accident he caused 4 years ago whilst driving drunk on a friends farm which has left one of his mates with a permanent brain injury. She goes on to say we have given him the best private school education and supported him in whatever he has wanted to do scholastically.

He was top of the school in rowing and has been studying law at University after a gap year in England. She says Brad is willing to talk to you and sets up an appointment. Brad attends his first session; his mother has dropped him off and is waiting outside in her car until hes finished. Brad appears well kempt and healthy: he is over six foot tall and a good looking young man. He initially seems reluctant to engage with you and has difficulty making eye contact; when you enquire as to why he thinks he is here he says, Im not quite sure what did mum say You state that his mother is concerned that he has a problem with alcohol but would like to hear what he has to say about that. Brad goes on to defend his drinking by saying that its not that bad and that his friends drink the same way he does and that his mum is just freaked out because her dad was an alcoholic which Im not!

You discover that Brad experiences memory loss frequently when drinking but he thinks thats normal as his mates have had similar experiences. His mates have also told him that he can become aggressive and will often start fights when out with them. He has a tendency not to believe this and thinks they are exaggerating. He minimizes the drink driving charge as just bad luck and not being all that serious however he does appear to be concerned when you describe the consequences of such a charge and he is open to seeing you again if you can help with that.

  • How would you proceed with this session and beyond?
  • What are the presenting issues for Brad?
  • What assessment tools might you employ?
  • What modalities might you use in working with Brad?
  • Formulate a contract and case plan for Brad.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 05th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 264

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