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Create And Share A podcast Of the Digital Media Contexts Assessment

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Added on: 2023-01-27 06:23:03
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This task requires you to create and share a podcast of between 5-7 minutes in length. This must focus on one of the Digital Media Contexts from weeks 7-10 (and be on a different topic/context from what you choose for Portfolio Output 3). You must ensure that your use of any media within your podcast conforms to the legal and ethical requirements of the unit. The podcast will be published on SoundCloud and embedded into a blog post with a written reflection on the decision-making and learning process you undertook.

This document includes advice on:

  • Podcast topics and deadlines
  • How to create your podcast
  • How to focus your podcast
  • How to upload and embed your podcast
  • How to complete your blog’s reflection
  • How to submit your assessment
  • Marking criteria

Topics and Deadlines

  • Choose one of the Digital Media Contexts from weeks 7-10 (and be on a different topic/context from what you choose for Portfolio Output 3).
  • Note that you cannot focus your Portfolio Output 3 assessment task (a blog with an embedded video) on the same topic that you produce your podcast on, so keep this in mind when making your preferences 

Digital Media Context and Topic Question

  1. Digital Media and Gamification
    • How does the practice of gamification aim to enhance user motivation and/or engagement? 
  2. Digital Media and Surveillance
    • Why is a balanced perspective needed to understand the complexity of surveillance processes and practices?
  3. Digital Media and Cultural Heritage
    • Does the nature of digital innovation place cultural heritage institutions at risk of becoming redundant?
  4. Digital Media and Education
    • What benefits and limitations are involved in using digital media to facilitate learning and engagement?

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How to Create your Podcast

  • Produce a 5-7 minutes podcast. You will need to plan, script, rehearse, and edit to achieve a polished performance
    • The usual 10% leeway does not apply here as this time span is more generous
  • All content in your podcast must be of your own making or (in the case of music and/or sound effects) content that has been shared online with an appropriate Creative Commons licence
    • Credit your use of any Creative Commons material with links to the original source(s) in the SoundCloud description box
  • If you include the voice(s) of anyone else in your podcast (which is not necessary for this task), you must obtain clear written permission from them with a brief consent form of your own making and upload this with your submission to the dropbox
  • Important: Your voice should be the driving force of your podcast – you may use short soundbytes from others, but you’re the one we really want to hear from!

How to Focus Your Podcast

  • The topics are intentionally broad to give you as much scope as possible to hone in on something that is of interest and relevance to you
    • Narrow your focus to a specific issue or example relating to your topic (e.g. a specific gamified product, an example of surveillance, a museum or museum exhibit, or a digital learning issue, area, approach, or application)
  • Feel free to check your choice of example with your tutor
  • You must draw on at least five scholarly sources in your podcast
    • This may include set readings and/or sources you’ve found through your own research with the library catalogue
    • You must make direct and explicit reference to your sources by quoting or paraphrasing them in your podcast (there is no need to say more than an author name when doing so – i.e. don’t say ‘Smith 2015 page 18’)
    • Include the full reference list using the Harvard style in the description box of your SoundCloud upload and at the end of your blog post
    • You may draw on websites, news articles, blog posts, etc. as sources where relevant and useful, but these don’t count as scholarly (peer-reviewed) research

How to Upload and Embed your Podcast

  • Create a SoundCloud account (you can use up to 180 minutes for free) and upload your podcast to this
    • Make sure you test uploading an audio file to SoundCloud before you complete your assignment, as you might need to change the file format to ensure it works (using a free program like Format Factory can be helpful)
  • You must embed your podcast into your blog post
    • Simply pasting the podcast’s URL into a Wordpress blog is usually enough to embed it – otherwise, you may need to use the separate embed code

How to Complete Your Blog's Reflection

  • The written component of your blog post must be 400-500 words, not including your list of references
    • The usual 10% leeway isn’t relevant here either due to the more generous range provided
  • Your written component should:
    • Briefly outline the content of your podcast, the argument you wanted to convey, and the strategy(s) you adopted in creating it
    • Explain how your podcast was informed by your reading/research – i.e. explain how you used your source(s) in your podcast
    • Explain the creation of your own content and (if applicable) your use of Creative Commons licensed source material within your podcast
    • Reflect on the challenges you faced, how you resolved them, and what you learnt from the task
  • Your blog’s written reflection is not where you need to show evidence of your reading/research – this must be done in your podcast                                        
  • The written component must not be a transcript of all or part of your podcast
  • Remember the potential audience of a podcast and blog post is the world – try to frame your media in a way that’s accessible to more than just your marker

How to Submit your Assessment

  • When submitting, provide the link to your specific blog (not the homepage of your blog) in the Comments box of the relevant CloudDeakin dropbox
    • Use the Quicklink feature to make this a working hyperlink
    • Ensure that the link to your blog post works by logging out of Wordpress and testing it as if you are visitor to your site
  • As a backup, you must upload both your audio file (I recommend MP3 format to keep it small) and a copy of the written component of your blog post (in a word or PDF file) to the dropbox (don't worry about the formatting of your document-- it will only be your published media that will be marked)
  • Attach any signed consent forms if applicable


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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : January 27th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 139

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more