diff_months: 21

CRICOS-Rec Centre Web Development Project

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Added on: 2023-05-31 05:09:40
Order Code: 490736
Question Task Id: 0
  1. Prepare a cost model, for the following 6 month (24 week) Rec Centre Web Development Project. The total cost estimate should be $210,000. Use the WBS provided. Note the following assumptions and document any additional assumptions you make in preparing the cost model. How much is your contingency reserve? Use Table 1 (at end)
  1. assume all work a 38 hour week @ 7.6 h/day (pro-rata)
  2. assume project manager works on project management tasks only for 2 days p/wk @ $100.00 p/hr
  3. assume project team is composed of 3 members @ 60 p/hr, available:
  4. 5 day p/wk on project management tasks
  5. 5 days p/wk on product related deliverables
  6. assume all product related activities have F-S relationship
  7. assume requirements definition will take a week to complete in week 1
  8. assume each of the web site design activities will take 1.5 weeks to complete commencing in week 2
  9. assume each of the web site development activities will take 3 weeks to complete
  10. assume testing will take 2 weeks
  11. assume training and support will take 3 weeks to complete

    Work Breakdown Structure

    Rec Centre Web Development Project




    planned value (PV)



    earned value (EV)



    actual cost (AC)



    budget at completion (BAC)



    cost variance (CV)

    CV = EV AC

    $100,000 - $90,000 = $10,000

    schedule variance

    SV = EV PV

    $100,000 - $120,000 = ($20,000)

    cost performance index (CPI)

    CPI = EV / AC

    $100,000 / $90,000 = 111% or 1.11

    schedule performance index (SPI)

    SPI = EV / PV

    $100,000 / $120,000 = 83% or 0.83

    estimate at completion (EAC)

    EAC = BAC / CPI

    $200,000 / 1.11 = $180,180.18

    • Project management
    • Requirements definition
    • Web site design
      • Registration for recreational programs
    • Registration for classes and programs
    • Tracking system
    • Incentive system
    • Web site development
      • Registration for recreational programs
      • Registration for classes and programs
      • Tracking system
      • Incentive system
    • Testing
      • Training, roll out, and support
    1. How is the project doing? Is it ahead of schedule or behind schedule? Is it under budget or over budget?
    2. Review the estimate at completion (EAC) figure for this project. Is the project performing better or worse than planned?
    3. Review the schedule performance index (SPI) figure for this project. How long it will take to finish this project?
    1. Using the cost model you created above, prepare a cost baseline by allocating the costs by WBS for each month of the project. Use TABLE 2 (at end)
    2. Assume you have completed three months of the project. The BAC was $200,000 for this six-month project. Also assume the following, and answer the questions below.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 31st, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 263

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