CSI3105 Software Testing Project Report
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Apply different test case design techniques, recognising the strength and weakness of each and being able to choose techniques appropriately. Examine a suite of test cases in terms of test adequacy coverage. Implement a case study, demonstrating appropriate use of testing techniques and generate the test harnesses for the software system.
You have just been hired as a software tester by a software company. You are asked to carry out software testing of a prototype system that the company has contracted a group of students to develop. Source code and limited amount of documentation associated with this software is available. Using the source code and the documentation provided for this initial prototype, the team leader for testing has asked your team to implement the testing of the system using Eclipse and JUnit.
Details about the specific software system can be found in the Case Study document. The assignment consists of you working in small teams. It is important that in the first two weeks you organise yourselves into three person teams and provide your lecturer(s) with the email addresses (ECU Student Account) of all members of your team. It is important for your team to meet and work on the project at regular intervals.
The complete list of deliverables at the completion of this assignment is shown in the table below.
Table 1: Key Deliverables
A report describing:
(a) your testing approach/process,
(b) a table, showing the stages/progress in your testing process
(c) how to execute your test cases,
(d) Test Plan and defect report (Appendix 3) (d) Results from implemented test cases (e.g. screen shot from JUnit on completion of test case execution), the faults you found and how they can be reproduced.
(e) Discussions and Conclusions