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Cultural Diversity cluster Assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-18 05:27:39
Order Code: 485115
Question Task Id: 0
  1. Section 4A: Knowledge Activity

    Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you hold the required knowledge for this unit. 

    Answer the question in 50 words or less. Consider your organisational requirements where relevant.

    1. List three (3) examples of key pieces of legislation that have been passed that affect Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

    Three key pieces of legislation that have been passed that affect Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander peoples include The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984, The Native Title Act 1993 and The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003.

    1. Respecting the diversity of culture is essential to the cultural safety of the workplace. List two (2) culturally appropriate practices that you model within your workplace or whilst on campus.

    In order to promote and maintain a workplace that is welcoming and safe there are many aspects that are essential one of these being the cultural safety of a workplace. In order to have a culturally safe place of work it is paramount that each culture and background is respected. A practise that can be implemented into the workplace or further promote and ensure cultural safety would be to recognise and celebrate the traditional holidays of all the backgrounds that are present within the workplace. Another practise that respects diversity and  further solidifies cultural safety would be “Engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural leaders and liaison staff in frank and honest discussions about your prejudices and biases and seek their assistance in learning to grow in terms of cultural sensitivity and awareness”( https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/le/content/483245/viewContent/27676273/View).

    1. Explain why two (2) of the following issues impact on the engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People in community services and health systems.

    Select two (2). Your answers should be no more than 500 words in total.

    • European settlement.
    • Loss of land and culture.
    • Racism and discrimination.
    • Power relations (past and present).


    Impact on Engagement with service provision for Indigenous Australians

    European settlement

    The First Nations peoples of Australia is known to be the oldest living cultures in the world being around 50,000 years old. The culture and people was thriving for all these this until the arrival of the European settlers. European settlement brought with it disrespect, death and near destruction of the culture and Indigenous peoples themselves from a variety of actions taken by the white settlers. All of these atrocities that occurred to the first nations people has left untold generational trauma and created what is commonly known as the “GAP’. 

    Racism and discrimination

    1. Explain how the factors identified in the table below may contribute to poor Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health:


    How does this contribute to poor Indigenous Health

    A lack of relevant and culturally appropriate education.

    Indigenous health is an area for concern as First nations people as a whole have a lower life expectancey than that of non indegous peoples.

    Poor living conditions.


    Feelings of isolation and vulnerability.

    1. Locate TAFE Queensland’s Reconciliation Action Plan (or your organisations RAP). Identify three (3) core commitments or key concepts of the plan. Discuss how you would ensure you are meeting the commitments in an organisation you are working (500 words maximum).

    RAP Core Commitments

    Practical strategies to meet core commitments


    Section 4B Performance Activity

    You are required to design and develop a PowerPoint presentation. Discuss with your TAFE assessor how this presentation is to be made (e.g. in class, online rooms, video recorded or other).

    To meet the criteria of this assessment task you may do one of the following, after consultation with your assessor.

    • Face-to-face - please contact your teacher to arrange an appropriate time to attend campus.
    • Submit a recording of your presentation by uploading to Connect.
    • Your recording may be burned to a disc or saved to a USB and mailed to your teacher.

    Ensure your PowerPoint slides are written in a readable size font with referencing, either APA or Harvard style is acceptable.

    You must include in your presentation the following key elements:

    • With specific relationship to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people - Choose one (1) of the following topics and explain why you have chosen it (1 slide):
    • Disability – Choose a specific area of need relating to Indigenous Australians
    • Spiritual beliefs – Choose a specific Indigenous religious practice or belief system
    • Age – Choose a specific current topic (example; juvenile offenders, young people in OOHC)
    • Socio-economic disadvantage (housing and homelessness as examples)
    • Sexual orientation/identity – (example; LGBTIQPA+) – Choose a specific current topic
    • Describe the ethical considerations of your chosen group (2 slides)
    • Community attitudes, stereotypes and biases
    • Effects of attitudes, stereotypes and biases
    • The related impacts on Indigenous participation and engagement in service delivery
    • Identify and discuss a program you would want to deliver for your group (examples could include; homework club, safe sex, hygiene, budgeting course, cooking program or other educational program) (1 slide)
    • Describe how you would evaluate your program (2 slides)
    • Identify three (3) culturally safe ways you would evaluate your program against desired outcomes
    • Explain how you would measure if your program was culturally safe (think about including strengths based, trauma-informed practice and rights based approach along with organisational policy and procedural requirements – duty of care, code of conduct, privacy and confidentiality, cultural safety)

    You are required to upload your PowerPoint presentation to CONNECT.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 18th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 199

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more