Cyber Security Awareness Assignment
For this assessment you will assume the role of a newly appointed Chief Security Officer (CSO) in a large community nursing organisation. You have been in post for four weeks and in that time have established that the organisation is oblivious to the threats that exist and there is no real consideration for how to manage cyber security. You have therefore decided to develop a cyber security awareness report and presentation to be used with the Executive of the organisation to gain funding for a new cyber security awareness program that you will then implement. Your will therefore need to think about how you communicate the following things:
- The types of threat that exist.
- How they could impact the organisation.
- Why cyber security awareness and training is a key part of any defence.
- Your propsed cyber security awareness program and the approaches to be used to establish greater awareness.
- The likely cost and timeframe for developing and delivering the program (make this as realistic as you can).
Present your findings as a 2000-word report (+/- 10%) and be sure to include critical analysis of what your research uncovered. Focus on a document that flows and makes sense to someone with no material understanding of the subject matter. In text references are included in the word count, the reference list is not.
Once the report is prepared, create a supporting slide deck of no more than 12 slides (including a title/introductory slide and a wrap up slide) to summarise the report, focusing on the key points. This slide deck will be presented to the executive to support the report, so it should be realistic, concise, clear and well formatted. Support the slides with notes to include the detail that will be discussed and use the slide itself for the simple key messages. Use supporting images and graphics where appropriate. See the section on structure below for more information on how to submit the report and presentation as single document.
A single document must be submitted to Turnitin, therefore the following outline structure is suggested:
- Cover Page
- Contents
- Part A: Report
- Part B: Presentation
- References
As such the slides will need to be added into the main document ensuring the transcript/slide notes are also copied/visible. The simplest approach will be to copy a slide from PowerPoint and paste it into Word and then copy the slide notes and manually paste them under the copied slide. Convert your document to PDF before submission to ensure formatting of slides is maintained.