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Data and Visualization -Academy Awards Assignment

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Added on: 2023-04-29 07:57:52
Order Code: fb
Question Task Id: 0

The Academy Awards, or Oscars, are international awards given to meritorious achievement in the film industry. The dataset

A1A Academy awards.xls

contains demographic data on award winners up until the year 2014 and was compiled by kaggle user


.In this section you will investigate the demographics of Oscar winners. You may use any software of your choice.

[5 marks]

Investigate the answer to ONE of the following questions using appropriate tables and/or charts. Write a summary of your findings (approximately 100-200 words).

    1. Age

      Calculate an estimate of an award winners age from their date of birth and year of award. What is the average age and age range of winners? Are there any age differences across minority groups or award categories?

    2. Birthplace

      Categorise the place of birth for winners as born in USA or born overseas. What proportion of winners were not born in the USA? Is there any difference in the proportion of winners born in the USA across minority groups or award categories?

Your answer will be assessed on the following elements:

    • Describes results/findings that answer the question being asked.

    • Statements are supported by relevant tables or charts as evidence from the data.

    • Refers to specific quantities (counts, percentages, other statistics) as part of written answer.

    • Communicates clearly regarding filtered/grouped data or categories when summarising data or making comparisons.

    • Writes with clarity and organisation using report-style language.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 29th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 258

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