Design and implement a Memory Manager, including a page-replacement algorithm.
You are to work in groups of 2 or 3. Design and implement a memory manager to manage the physical memory of a system, using paged memory. Your physical memory size is 1 MB and backing store size is 64MB. Your page-replacement algorithm cannot suffer from Belady’s Anomaly.
You will develop a design document that will consist of at least the following information:
• The high-level state diagram(s) to be implemented
• A description of each possible memory state
• The physical memory layout, logical memory limit per process
• Descriptions of the page tables and other memory manager data structures (what they are and what they are used for)
• Any design decisions you made (including things like page size, page table size, max number of page tables, etc)
• For page replacement, use any algorithm you'd like. An algorithm that does not suffer from Belady's Anomaly will be required for the next lab assignment.
Will share the full file in DM. We need 100% good work.