Designing and Developing a Cooking Spatula
- Country :
New Zealand
You have been charged with the task of designing a cooking spatula. This cooking utensil will be marketed towards tertiary students as a good “first” spatula to buy. As a materials engineer, it is your job to select the top three material candidates for the job and provide appropriate justifications.
Requirements to meet:
Temperature Resistant – should be able to withstand cooking temperatures
Cost effective/economical
High flexural strength —should not break when making the world best pancakes.
Possible Material Candidates: (3 Marks)
Provide detailed description of the mechanical properties for the selected material/combination of materials that will be required to build the project (minimum of 3):
(15 Marks)
Provide technical justification of the selection of Material/combination of two materials. The students must provide specific justification that must be related to the following: (250 Words)
(12 Marks)
Basic understanding of the chemical bonding for the selected material to align with the engineering problem
Brief description of the atomic arrangement/configuration of the selected material