Designing and Instrumenting a Practical System Engineering Assignment Help
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Assignment Task
You are an engineer who has been assigned the task of designing and instrumenting a practical system. In the project report, you hay.elq describe the steps of establishing the design/performance specifications for the system, selecting and sizing sensors, transducers, actuators, drive systems, controllers, signal conditioning and interface hardware, and software for the instrumentation and component integration of this system. Keeping this in mind, write a project proposal giving the following information:
1. Select a process (plant) as the system to be developed. Describe the plant indicating the purpose of the plant, how the plant operates, what is the system boundary (physical or imaginary), what are the important inputs (e.g., voltages, torques, heat transfer rates, flow rates), response variables (e.g., displacements, velocities, temperatures, pressures, currents, voltages), and what are important plant parameters (e.g., mass, stiffness, resistance, inductance, thermal conductivity, fluid capacity). You may use sketches. 2. Indicate the performance requirements (or operating specifications) for the plant (i.e., how the plant should behave in normal operation). You may use any available information on such requirements as accuracy, resolution, speed, linearity, stability, and operating bandwidth. 3. Give any constraints related to cost, size, weight, environment (e.g., operating temperature, humidity, dust-free or dean room conditions, lighting, and wash-down needs), and so on. 4. Indicate the type and the nature of the sensors and transducers present in the plant and what additional sensors and transducers might be needed to properly operate and control the system. 5. Indicate the type and the nature of the actuators and drive systems present in the plant and which of these actuators hayglia be controlled. If you need to add new actuators (including control actuators) and drive systems, indicate such requirements in detail.
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