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Develop a RENT A HOUSE application

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Added on: 2023-05-01 05:09:43
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You are required to develop a RENT A HOUSE application. The application must be targeting both web and mobile platforms.

In order to develop the mobile application, you may select any one of the following development platforms Android Studio

  1. MIT App Inventor
  2. Flutter
  3. XCode

In order to develop the web application, you may select any one of the following development platforms Visual Studio (.NET Framework)

  1. NetBeans (Java)
  2. PHP development

You may use any one or two of the given database management systems for both web and mobile application development.

  1. SQLite
  2. Firebase
  3. MS SQL Server
  4. Oracle DBA
  5. MySQL
  6. Or any of the database of your choice

Application summary

The application Rent A HOUSE provides the list of available houses with rent per month mentioned. Once user selects the house of its choice, application asks user to login (if user is already registered). In case if user is not registered, user must click on the option (Register here) on login page. A dashboard should open after successful login having the following option.

1 Show the list of available houses (area wise)

2 Log out Option

3 Types of houses (single story, double story, pent house etc)

4 Rate the app

5 Close App

Make a Rent Contract

Once the user finalizes the house of his/her choice, he/she should make the rent contract as given below:

  1. Contract start date.
  2. Contract duration.
  3. Advance paid.
  4. Contract terms and conditions

Terminate Rent Contract

This option allows the users to terminate the contract. The option should ask the user to enter contract id and app should list the details of the opened contract (i.e. opened, expected closing date, etc). User needs to add the closing credentials of the contract, paying the remaining money (if there are penalties of remaining rent) as per the terms and conditions of the rent contract and close the contract.

Renew Rent Contract

The application should provide the facility to user to auto renew the contract if the previous contract is going to accomplish. This option should automatically appear the time when the previous contract is going to end. Rate the App

Once user closes the contract, there should be option appeared to rate the application.

Extra Credit

Any other relevant extra feature of your choice to enhance the quality of the application Tip : You can go to Play Store/App Store/online systems to get different ideas in order to create a good application.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 01st, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 416

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