Develop a Social Media Content Strategy to achieve the Marketing Goal
Social Media and Visualisation Business Case Brief
Brief StructureBrotherhood of St Laurence (BSL)
PurposeTo develop a social media marketing strategy and campaign to raise the B2C profile of the Brotherhood of St Laurence Youth Transitions employment focused programs.
Organizational Background
BSL is a social justice organisation working alongside people experiencing disadvantage to address the fundamental causes of poverty in Australia.We believe no one should live in poverty.Our mission is to pursue lasting change, to create a more compassionate and just society where everyone can thrive.Our unique approachWe think differently and take a unique approach to address the fundamental causes of poverty in our community.
Our approach is informed directly by the people experiencing disadvantage and uses evidence drawn from our research, together with insights from our programs and services, to develop practical solutions that work.We also believe change can only happen when people work together, which is why partnerships with the broader community and organisations nationally are a cornerstone of BSL.We are proud to be a strong voice for people experiencing disadvantage. It has been our way since the 1930s when Father Tuckers activism for social reform amid the Great Depression led to our inception.And today, all Australians can be part of the change. Together, lets make change that lasts for an Australia free of poverty.
Relevant Project
BSL are active in the community with a number of services including op shops, aged care and disability services, training and employment assistance. In the employment space, BSL have a further diversity of programs, including Given the Chance, Jobs Victoria, Creating Futures for Youth, First Jobs, Youth Transitions Suport Program, Ticket to work and other partnerships that they leverage to help people find work.
This project will focus on the Youth Transitions teams employment programs in the North West of Melbourne with the aim of getting more young jobseekers (aged 15-25) engaged and actively participate in the promoted opportunities.
A key model the Youth Transitions team employs is the Advantaged Thinking model, which underpins all our youth programs. Advantaged Thinking is grounded in capability theory and is a shift away from deficit, disadvantaged or problem-saturated thinking and acting, towards identifying, developing and, most importantly, investing in the skills, capabilities and assets of young people.
Advantaged Thinking asserts that rather than investing in young peoples problems, the community needs to redirect investment into building young people's abilities and harnessing them for personal, as well as social, growth. By making a positive investment in young people, Advantaged Thinking focuses on developing their assets and on co- creating solutions real jobs, real education and real community connections to enable them to achieve independent adulthood.
Youth Transitions also has a focus on youth participation, whereby we listen to the young people we are working with and enable them to contribute to enhanced program design as well as systemic change by addressing structural barriers to young peoples social and economic participation in their communities.
We have a paid Youth Advisory Group comprising of 10 diverse young people from the North-West region who co-design and co-deliver activities, support with social media engagement in the program, provide advice and contribute to continuous improvement of the AT model.
The Youth Advisors are currently managing the Youth Transitions teams Instagram page for the NW region. They have designed the social media plan and create the content.
Marketing Goals
- Draw interest from young jobseekers (ages 15-25 years old) who dont currently engage with the BSL offered programs
- Drive action rather than awareness.
- Youth employment programs are in a saturated market with lots of competition from both private providers and government programs. Even within a specific region there can be multiple jobseeker programs that may be seen as conflicting to someone looking for work.
- The Youth Transitions team run a number of other projects and programs outside of employment. Content strategy needs to allow for and understand that there will be other content unrelated to employment programs running on the social media accounts.
Other Jobs Victoria providers, Employment Plus, WISE Employment, Workforce Australia (including Transition to Work), Local Learning and Employment Networks, University/TAFE employment services, Ostara Australia and more.
Current or Previous social media Work
BSL Youth Transitions
BSL (wider org)
Target Market
- Young Jobseekers (aged 15-25 years old)
- Young people from refugee/migrant backgrounds
- Young people who havent been engaged in education/training/employment for awhile
Key Issues/Considerations
Other relevant information
- Key note that the project is focused on driving action (engagement with programs) rather than awareness.Budget: Salary and some capacity for gift vouchers
Additional clarification on the Goals
- Draw interest from young jobseekers (ages 15-25 years old) who dont currently engage with the BSL offered programs target new audience to increase reach (currently, most followers are existing participants who are currently engaging in our programs or former participants)
- Drive action rather than awareness. young people to register for opportunities promoted or express interest in them- these include employment and training programs. E.g. two week program to work in the Caravan industry/register for Accredited Barista Course/register to attend employment expos, attend TAFE info sessions, participate in social activities
BSL Youth Transitions provide 1:1 coaching of young people and group activities to help them identify their goals and aspirations to achieve sustainable and meaningful education, training and employment outcomes. We provide access to short courses (White Card, RSA, Forklift licence etc.) offer employment opportunities in in-demand industries such as transport and logistics, manufacturing and warehouse as well as offer employment preparation (CVs, mock interviews, workplace rights and entitlements). We also connect young people with education providers to help them engage/re-engage in education (school/TAFE/RTOs/Uni).
In addition, we encourage young people to build their networks and community connections by getting involved in sports and other recreational/social pursuits and promote such activities for them to participate in.