Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships -Presentation
For this task you are to create a PowerPoint presentation describing the network you chose. You must cover the following:
Provide the name and general details of the network you chose and what it does.
The value of this network to workers, clients and the organisation
Any other organisation this network collaborates with and why.
Presentation - Part B
After you have thoroughly researched your network, provide an expanded answer for thefollowing written responses.
Presentation - Part B (i) *
Explain how you gathered information about the organisations services and networks thatyou were required to work with. Describe any challenges or limitations you may haveexperienced.
Presentation - Part B (ii) *
Describe the different dynamics that you observed between the service provider youresearched and your work place.
Presentation - Part B (iii) *
Based on this, provide three (3) ways you can improve your networking with providers.
Presentation - Part B (iv) *
How do you keep client information up to date?