Develop Session Plan and Create its Presentation
Assessment task 2 Develop a session plan
1. Instructions
In this task you must develop two session plans for two separate presentations which you will conduct as part of Assessment Task 3. Specifically, you must:
- Develop two session plans for two presentations, to be delivered on separate occasions, with each of at least 15 minutes duration.
- Provide the documented session plans as part of this assessment task. Session planning templates are available in sections 3.2 and 3.3 of this assessment tool.
Each session plan must:
- Summarise the characteristics of the target audience.
- Outline delivery strategies that are suitable for the target audience, location and available resources.
- Outline the presentation aids, strategies, techniques, and resources that are suitable to the target audience, location and available resources.
- Outline the content of the presentation.
- Identify how documented feedback will be obtained from the audience.
1.1 Decision-making rules
To achieve a satisfactory result, you must develop two session plans that address each of the points listed in the instructions section of this assessment task.
1.2 Context of assessment
This assessment can be conducted in either a classroom, workplace or independent learning environment.
Assessment task 3 Deliver two presentations
1. Instructions
This assessment task involves you delivering two separate presentations based on the session plans that you developed in Assessment Task 2. Each group that you present to must consist of at least two participants.
You must:
- Deliver two presentations on two separate occasions, each of which must be at least 15 minutes in duration.
- Collect documented feedback from at least one participant in each presentation.
Your presentations must be witnessed and assessed by a qualified assessor. If you are attending a Plenty Training face to face or iClass+ workshop, your Plenty Training trainer will arrange the participants and will witness and assess your training delivery.
If you are not delivering this training in a class delivered by Plenty Training, you must arrange for your audience to participate in your presentations (such as via the Plenty Training Facebook page), and you may either:
- Record the video of your sessions and provide copies of the videos with your workbook submission. Please ensure all learners and their interaction with each other and you can be seen in the video; or
- Have your sessions observed by another qualified assessor in your workplace. This means that the assessor must possess either the:
- The TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
- The TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
- The TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or
- The TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or
- A higher-level qualification in adult education
If you choose this option then your assessor must then complete the assessment checklists in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 and the statutory declaration in section 4.3.3 and provide a copy of their testamur. If your desired observer holds a higher-level qualification in adult education, you should confirm with that the proposed qualification would meet the requirements under the Standards for RTOs 2015.
1.1 Decision-making rules
To achieve a satisfactory result, you must meet all the criteria outlined in the assessment instructions. Your assessor will also be looking for your ability to:
- Explain the presentation outcomes to the audience.
- Use suitable presentation aids (e.g., PowerPoint or flip charts), strategies / techniques (e.g., reinforcement, sandwich feedback), resources and materials (e.g., handouts).
- Monitor and respond to questions and comments from the audience.
- Monitor and respond to non-verbal cues from the audience such as indicators of weariness or disinterest, body language.
- Use engaging communication techniques to capture the interest of the audience at minimum this must include varying your pitch and tone and using a commanding posture.
- Provide opportunities for the audience to ask questions and clarify the ideas presented.
- Adjust your presentation strategies to suit the needs and preferences of the audience. At minimum this must include varying the level of complexity in your terminology to match your audience characteristics.
- Select and use appropriate conventions and protocols to encourage interaction or to present information at minimum this must include using open questioning techniques.
- Demonstrate sophisticated control over oral, visual and written formats. At minimum this includes:
- Demonstrating your use of the seven Cs of communication (Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete and Courteous).
- Presenting information using words and non-verbal features appropriate to the audience and context including using body posture, facial expressions and gestures that are consistent with the style of the presentation and exhibiting good stage presence.
- Using the open questioning technique to develop or modify presentation.
- Periodically summarising the key ideas presented to aid with understanding.
- Alter your personal communication style in response to your audience at minimum this means matching the complexity of your language to the audience level.
- Using visual aids that are relevant and assist your learners in understanding the topic.
- Writing answers throughout this assessment workbook and in your visual aids that are grammatically correct.
1.2 Context of assessment
This assessment can be completed in a simulated or workplace environment.
Record the details of the two presentations you made.
- Date and time of presentation
- Presentation topic
- Location
- Length of time of session
- Audience names(You must list at least two participants for each presentation. This may include your assessor.)
- Which of the following options are provided as evidence of you having made the presentations?