Draft an essay highlighting challenges and barriers and strategies with evidence based practice in ICU clinical settings.
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Theaimsofthe assessmentare forstudents to:
- Critically discuss barriers and challenges, and recommend strategies for implementing evidencebased practicein the clinical area and ;
- Conducta comprehensive literature search on a clinical research question.
The purpose of this two parts assessment is to enable postgraduate students to utilise their clinicalexperience within their learning and skill development associated with critically reviewing the literatureaspartofevidence based practice.Learning Module 1 and 2 are highly relevantto this assessment.
PARTA: Essay1,800words(40%)
With reference to your own clinical setting or a chosen one in no more than 1800 words identify thechallenges and barriers and describe strategies for implementing an evidence-based practice to clinicalsetting. Incorporate literature into your discussion. Essential readings in the Learn Modules are usefulto get you started. However, it is expected that you will conduct your own search for additional readingmaterial.Marking criteria forthe assignmentare listed on the laterpartofthis Learning Guide.
PARTB:Identificationofevidence200words(10%).PleaseensurethatyouhavecompletedtheSearchstrategy activity in Module 2 priorto completing this part.
This part involves formatting a clinical research question (Step 1 & 2) and conduct a comprehensiveliterature search(Step 3 -5).
Clinicalresearch question andPICOidentification (5%)
- Write a clinical research question then complete the PICO table (Table 1) with type of patients orproblem,intervention,comparisoninterventionandoutcome.Theclinicalresearchquestionshouldbeextended fromthe discussion in partA.
- Identify keywords and search terms to describe the problem, intervention, comparison interventionand outcome and write themin the table to assistyou with yourliterature search.
Conducting a comprehensive literature search (5%)Outcome
- Using the keywords and search terms identified in the table from Step 2 conduct an electronicdatabase literature search. You can use PubMed, Medline, ProQuest Central, CINAHL database,Google search is notacceptable.
- Saveacopyofyoursearchhistory,presentthesearchhistory(howkeywordsareusedindifferentcombination) and the results of your search. The search results should be relevant to your clinicalresearchquestion and itshould range from20 -30articles (this does notinclude in word count).
- Chooseone paperfromyoursearch,presentthe abstractand identify PICOcomponents.
Submityourassignmentelectronically.Pleasenoteyouwillhavetocutandpasteyoursearch(step3-5)ontoonedocumentforelectronic submission.Resources: