EMBA J22 Corporate Turnaround and Business Transformation Assignment
- Subject Code :
The purpose of the formal coursework is to give students the opportunity to apply theirlearning from the course to a new example, and to think in a critical and comparative wayabout the case material presented in the course. For this course you are required to submitoneindividualassignment.Themaximumlengthofthisassignmentis3,000words.Thewordcount covers the main body of text, including in-text citations, tables, figures, and diagrams,andexcluding appendices,footnotes,andreferences.
The firm an extraordinary pioneer in entertainment was founded in 1923, and over thelast century has become an iconic US company. It has a wide range of businesses, and isparticularly active in film, television and theme parks. Under Bob Igers leadership between2005and2020,thefirmexpandedsignificantlythroughacquisitions.Whenheretired,hewassucceededbyBobChapekwhowasoustedin2022afterthestockpriceplummetedbyover40%.
Inthisassignment youareaskedtouseideasfromthecoursetoexaminethreeelements:
- Examine the issues (both external and internal) that have led Disney to itssituation, considering the period up to Igers reappointment. Your answer mayrefertoasmuchofthe firmshistoryasyouthinkisnecessarytodevelop your argument. However, you are advised to focus on the period from approximately2005 onwards, and not to spend too much effort on the firms earlier historyunless you judge it is vital to develop your analysis. It is important that yourdiscussiondrawsonideasandconceptsfromthecourse. [30marks]
- Writing as if you were a consultant advising Iger on December 20th2022, presenta series of recommendations about changes that the firm should make to secureits immediate (i.e. next two years) and longer term (i.e. next ten years) future.YouranswershouldtakeintoaccountbothinternalchallengesfacedbyDisney and also the broader external context (for example, considering developments intechnology, consumer preferences and competition). Use ideas and literaturefrom the course to illuminate your answer. Your recommendations shouldconnectwiththediagnosisyouhavepresentedin parta). [70marks]
There is extensive public domain material available about this organization. You shouldensure that you cite all your sources correctly, making it clear when you are citing and usingtheworkofothers.Payattentiontothe issuedguidelinesregardingplagiarism.
The assessors will use the general marking criteria for qualitative assessments, listed underAppendix1oftheEMBAJ22 ExamConventions.