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Game Implemented with Tkinter Assessment

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 457626
Question Task Id: 0
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    United Kingdom

You will create a game using the Tkinter Graphical User Interface library. The game should start off simple (but not too simple that the player gets bored) and increase in complexity as the player progresses.

The game should attempt to include the following features:

1. The use of images.

2. The use of shapes.

3. The use of text.

4. A scoring mechanism.

5. A leader board that is presented at appropriate places in the game (i.e. from a menu before the game begins and/or at the end of the game) a. The leader board must retain player names (or initials if you adopt a retro style), with their score and their position in the leader board. b. When the game is quit and reloaded, the leader board will reflect the history of the leaders of the game.

6. To avoid having to scale images for different screen resolutions you can use any of the following resolutions. 1920x1080, 1366x768, 1536x864, 1440x900, 1280x720 or 1600x900. Indicate the screen resolution at the top of the python source code as a comment just in case the marker needs to alter their screen resolution to best view your game.

7. The movement of objects.

8. The ability for the user to move an object.

9. Some form of collision detection.

10. The ability for the player to pause and unpause the game (so that they can make a cup of tea).

11. The ability to customise the experience for the user, for example, if the game has an object that can be moved the player should be able to define the keys that control that object.

12. Special cheat codes (i.e. if your game was a snake game, you might incorporate a shrink cheat that decreases the length of the snakes body each time the code was entered).

13. Save/Load game feature so that the player can resume playing where they left off tomorrow.

14. A boss key, we shouldnt play games at work. Some games introduced a boss key which allowed the game to flip to an image that gave the impression that the player was doing something work-related quickly.

  • Uploaded By : Hritik
  • Posted on : August 16th, 2022
  • Downloads : 1
  • Views : 313

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