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GEN173 Career Management Assignment

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Added on: 2023-04-06 04:38:00
Order Code: 488435
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SMART Long-Term Career Plan

Task: State your SMART goal clearly and answer the relevant questions from the SMART template. You can answer the questions below the template if you require more space.

Note: Smart template and reflection should link with your current studies.

SMART Goal (Make sure that your goal is not just doing better, rather, a SPECIFIC goal such as a job title):_________________________________________


Relevant OPEN questions


What do we want to accomplish, What resources(i.e. time, money, etc.) are involved, Why is the goal important, When is it happening?


What efforts(i.e. commitment, discipline, sacrifices, etc.) are needed to achieve the goal? Can it be measured? How can it be measured? (Remember that your goal needs to be specific. If your goal is not specific enough, then it cannot be measured, and if it cannot be measured, then it cannot be achieved).


Are the efforts needed to achieve the goal possible?

Can the goal be accomplished? Is the goal realistic given the time available?


Is the goal consistent with other life plans and goals? Is the goal challenging enough? Is the goal consistent with the current industry?


When does it start and when does it end? Why does the goal have to be completed within this time frame? (For example, make a 5-year plan. This will allow you to complete your education and achieve the designation and income you desire).


After completing the template, students should write a reflection, which shouldinclude a minimum of two citations, covering:

  • the value of the SMART process for developing career goals;
  • identify personal major challenges impacting achievement of career goals;
  • personal strategies that identify context and resources that can help to accomplish the career goal in a specific timeframe;
  • a brief reflective discussion about how grit can play a role in helping to achieve the career goal;
  • draw conclusions that summarise a pathway to the achievement of career goals.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 288

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