GY7705 Remote Sensing Report
- Subject Code :
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- Aim
The aim of this coursework is for you to describe the utility/application of remote sensing and further undertake an analysis of a satellite image product. You will explain the usefulness of the satellite product to address a specific environmental or socio-economic application that you will identify. You should identify, locate and download a satellite image yourself. A small number of satellite image data sets will be made available which you can investigate if you cannot source any data yourself.
- Assessment Details
You will be assessed in this piece of coursework by through the writing of a 2,500 word report. Please note the following:
- This report will contain written evidence of your background reading, investigations into the application you choose and analysis of a satellite image provided to you. The word limit does not include the bibliography, figure captions or table captions.
- Your report will be assessed based on the following general mark breakdown: Literature review in the application you have chosen (approximately 40% of the mark); accuracy of your description of sensor characteristics (approximately 10% of the mark); image processing, analysis and interpretations (including classifications, filtering, Principal Components Analysis etc.) (Approximately 40% of the marks); English, grammar, spelling, presentation, clarity and structure of your report (approximately 10% of the mark).
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