diff_months: 21

HA2042 Accounting Information System Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-17 11:46:26
Order Code: clt283266
Question Task Id: 0
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Case Study

Procurement Scenario

GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. There is a request for the Deluxe Touring Bike (black). After reviewing the stock, you realise that stock is required, and you are required to start the procurement process. The Deluxe Touring Bike (black) is purchased from the vendor; Olympic Protective Gear. This vendor is already created in the system. You create a purchase order for the Deluxe Touring Bike (black), which is forwarded to the vendor. The goods arrive, and you will create a goods receipt and verify the physical receipt in stock. An invoice will arrive, which will need to be entered into the system. Payments will be posted to the vendor, and you will review the impact the purchase has on General Ledger.

Your task is to complete the procurement process from a specified scenario and produces several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The screenshots are to be inserted (pasted) in the specified areas below. If you are unsure how to take a screenshot, please refer to Google.


Required Steps


Purchase Order Data

Field Description Value
Purchasing Organisation BI US US00
Vendor Olympic Protective Gear 101### (where ### is your logon number)
Purchase Group North America N00
Material Deluxe Touring Bikes (black) DXTR1### (where ### is your logon number)
Quantity 5
Net Price $1400 each
Currency USD
Plant DC Miami MI00

Note:You could take a screenshot once the process is complete or use the Display Purchase Order functionality Goods Receipt Data

Field Description Value
Storage Location Finished Goods US00


nvoice Data

Field Description Value
Company Code GBI Americas US00
Tax XI (Input tax)

Payment Data

Field Description Value
Posting Date Today's date
Journal Entry Date Today's date
Value Date Today's date
Period Today's month
G/L Account 1000000
Bank House Bank
Amount 5600
Currency USD

Deliverable procurement

2. Insert a screenshort of your process flow


Deliverable procurement

3. Insert a screenshort of your post outgoing payment


Fulfilment Scenario

GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. The company have had an Inquiry from an existing customer (The Bike Zone ###) for 4 Deluxe Touring Bike (Black). As indicated, the customer is already in the system. Once you create the Inquiry, the customer has requested a formal Quotation. The customer receives the quotation and sends GBI a Purchase Order which is entered into the system as a Sales Order. As there is enough stock, you will complete the Delivery process. An Invoice will be created, and sent to the customer, and then GBI will receive Payment from the Customer.

Note: If you did the exercise, then your customer will be there. If not, then you will have to create the customer. The process of creating a new customer is given on page 68 of the SAP Tutorial.


Your task is to complete the fulfilment process from a specified scenario and produces several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The required data for various steps is displayed below. All other data is the same as the exercise you have previously completed. The screenshots are to be inserted (pasted) in the specified areas below.

Required Steps

Create an Inquiry

Field Description Value
Sales Organisation US East UE00
Distribution Channel Wholesale WH
Division Bikes BI
Sold to Party Bike Zone ###
City Orlando
Cust Ref ###
Cust Ref Date Today's date
Valid From Today's date
Valid to Today's date
Valid to one month from today
Material Deluxe Touring Bike (Black) DXTR1###
Order Quantity 4

Deliverable fulfilment:

4. Insert a screenshort og your inqurity



Create a Quotation with a Reference

Field Description Value
Cust Ref ###
Cust Ref Date Today's date
Valid From Today's date
Valid to one month from today
Req Deliv Date Today's date

Create Sales Order with Reference

Field Description Value
Purchase Order No ###
Cust Reference ###
Cust Ref Date Today's date
First date Tomorrow's date

Deliverable fulfillment:

5. Insert a sceenshot of your sales order



Delivery Process

Picking Quantity

Field Description value
Ship to Party Bike Zone ###
Planned Creation date Due up until next week
Storage Location Finished Goods FG00

Create Invoice

Field Description Value
Ship to Party Bike Zone ###
Billing Date From Today's date

Post Receipt of Customer Payment

RVG/L Account

Field Description Value
Company Code UNS US00
Posting Date Today's date
Journal Entry date Today's date
Journal Entry Type Billing Doc. Transfer
Period Current Month
Amount 12000
Currency USD

Deliverable fulfilment:

6. Insert a screensort of your journal entry



Deliverable fulfilment:

Insert a screensort of your process entry

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 17th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 248

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