Health, Safety and WHS Assessment
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Introduction: To complete this assessment part the student must read the sleep, rest and relaxation scenario and respond to four short answer questions that relate to the scenario, and a further ten short answer questions that relate to :
Sleep, rest and relaxation scenario
Max is a 3-year-old boy who attends your education and care service. He is in the preschool room (3-5-year-old children) and attends four days per week.Max has a sister, Bella (12.5 months) who also attends the service in the 0-2s room on Wednesday and Thursday.Max is an out-going child. Max is severely allergic to peanuts. The education and care service is a nut-free service and has policies and procedures in place to implement this, including an Anaphylaxis Action Plan for Max. Maxs mum has told educators that he has stopped having a sleep during the day and to not allow him to fall asleep as it greatly disrupts his night-time sleeping and leads to him being overtired the following day. Max typically gets tired towards the end of the day. Max says to the educators I dont have a sleep in the day anymore and asks, Do I have to lie down?
Sleep, rest & relaxation
a. Based on Maxs mothers recent discussions of his sleep & rest preferences:
- Describe how you can support Max to include rest and relaxation in his day whilst respecting his parents wishes and the needs of the other children in the room.
- Include how you would respond to Maxs question Do I have to lie down?
(50 -75 words)
b. Access the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and identify one learning outcome and sub-element that supports your response to question 1a.
Learning Outcome |
Sub element |
Outcome 3: Children Have A Strong Sense Of Wellbeing
3.1 - Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
c. Access the EYLF and identify one principle that related to this scenario
Principle |
Partnership |
d. Identify two United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child articles that detail childrens rights around play, rest and education.
Article 29: Education should be used to fully develop each child's personality and talents. It should teach youngsters to appreciate their parents' cultures as well as the cultures of others. Article 31: Children have the right to unwind, play, and participate in a variety of recreational activities. |
Describe how you would set up the sleep and rest environment for the Max and the children who sleep and rest in the 3-5 room?
In your response discuss how you would address the following:
(50-100 words)
For those sleeping, the lights should be muted, while those having quiet time to participate in little activities should have appropriate natural light. Sleeping children should be forced I know what you mean, Preeti, we need to set up the beds that way, we cant force children Celsius |
Yes, you may play some soft background music
Identify three quiet play experiences to offer Max during the 3-5 rooms sleep and rest routine and explain your choices (20-40 words for each experience)
Quiet play experience 1: DrawingReason for choice: Max can keep himself occupied by making a card to present to his parents when he is picked up. This exercise will keep Max occupied while causing no disruption to the other children. |
Quiet play experience 2: Moulding clay Reason for choice: Max can create something with his imagination. This task does not necessitate Max being overly active or boisterous.
Quiet play experience 3: Books Reason for choice: Max can rest and decompress while flipping through his favourite books.
Detail how the educators in the 0-2s room would meet Maxs sister, Bellas needs for sleep and rest. Include how this meets safe sleeping approved standards. (100-150 words)
Bella would be urged to stick to her regular sleeping schedule. When the educators place Bella in her crib, they will check that all sleep safety standards are satisfied. For example:
Open, honest communication between educators and families is an essential part of quality education and care practices.
- Describe two reasons why it is important to have regular written and/or verbal communication with childrens families about their sleep, rest and relaxation whilst in care. (30-50 words)
1. It is critical to have open communication with families about sleep/rest for them to feel confident and at ease with their children's daily activities. Parents will be able to be informed and up to date on their children in this manner. |
2. Children go through growth spurts, which might disrupt their everyday routine. Open, honest communication will assist the family and educator in adapting to and remembering the new development. As a result, the transition from home to centre is smoother and more comfortable for the child.
Identify three strategies to share information with childrens families about rest.
(10-20 words for each strategy)
1. Whiteboard: with a chart outlining the day's routine, including mealtimes, sleep/rest times, and so on. |
2. Mobile applications will be used to communicate daily activity images, as well as sleep and rest schedules for each child. |
3. Informal talk about the child's sleep/rest pattern during pickup. |
All correct
- Identify the National Quality Area, Standard and Element and the Early Years Learning Framework Practice this relates to.
National Quality Area: National Quality Standard: Element: |
Quality area 2 2.1 Health Each childs health & physical activity is supported and promoted. 2.1.1 Wellbeing & comfort Each child's well-being and comfort are ensured, with adequate opportunities to meet each child's sleep, rest, and relaxation needs. |
Early Years Learning Framework Practice: |
Practice 2 responsiveness to children
You have correctly identified the information in the NQS
d. Identify points from the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics that detail values around safety for children and sharing information with families. (10-20 words for each)
Safety for children: Assist in the creation of a secure, healthy, and inclusive environment for children that will allow them to become more self-reliant and encourage their learning and growth. |
Sharing information with families: Listen to and learn from families who are involved in collaborative decision-making, planning , and practises that will benefit the child's development. |
- You are one of the three educators supervising 25 children, aged 3-5 years, in the outdoor environment. See below for outdoor environment plan. Based on the outdoor environment plan:
a. Identify where staff must be positioned to ensure effective supervision and that all children are in sight and hearing
b. Identify level of supervision (high, medium, low) and explain why you have chosen these positions (10-20 words for each area)
This is a good supervision plan. You have included a clear explanation for the position and level of supervision required.
- a. During the morning you decide to include water play as an experience. Identify what you will you need to consider with regards to supervision and why? (30-50 words)
Water play would necessitate close monitoring. The activity will always necessitate the presence of an educator while the children are playing with water. Children can be harmed by any amount of water on a contained surface. It could result in drowning. After each game, make sure the water is tipped over and empty. |
- List three active supervision strategies for a group of children engaged in free play indoors (10-20 words for each strategy)
1. Children's developmental levels and whether they require additional support: children with special needs should always have an educator nearby to prevent a fall or keep them away from other energetic children. we dont shadow children who have additional as this may prevent them from socialising |
2. Children's age groups or mixed age groups: Recognize the children's requirements. Some youngsters may require more constant supervision than others. It is critical to continue to observe and learn. At all times, make sure you have a clear vision of children.
3. the several sorts of learning experiences that are available: An educator would provide the appropriate level of monitoring based on the learning experience. Beading, for example, would necessitate constant monitoring.
c. During the afternoon departure routine, 15 toddlers and pre-schoolers are indoors in the one room as numbers have decreased as children are being collected at the end of the day.
This afternoon, there is a bead threading activity on a table which will require careful supervision. One toddler is known to eat the beads and put them into their ear. This creates a dynamic change amongst children in the group who wish to follow his lead.
Describe how you will adjust your levels of supervisions within this indoor area for the differing skill level, dynamics and age differences between the toddlers and pre-schoolers
(50-100 words)
I'd divide the group into two groups: toddlers and pre-schoolers, because a bead activity is dangerous for little children, and they lack the fine motor abilities to thread the beads in. Provide larger beads to the toddlers, and sit with them, preschoolers dont need close supervision as they should be able to thread independently I'd make sure there's plenty of monitoring because bead threading can be dangerous if it's not done properly. Because one toddler has been known to put beads in his mouth, the educator overseeing this activity will keep a close check on him while also ensuring that all other toddlers and pre-schoolers participating in the activity are safe and having fun. Toddlers will require extra monitoring and instruction during this exercise because pre-schoolers will have a better knowledge of it. Great! |
- During outdoor play the front doorbell rings. You go to answer the door. A lady is there and states she is here to pick up Max. You have never seen her before. She says her name is Pam, Maxs grandmother, who has just arrived from Adelaide for a long weekend.
a. Describe how you will communicate with the other educators in the outdoor area before you leave the area to ensure adequate supervision of the children, include what you will need to discuss. (25-50 words)
I'd tell the other teachers that a relative is coming to take up Max, but we don't have them on our list of approved/checked people to pick up Max. So, I'm going to call the director and the parent to double-check if the relative can pick up Max. While I'm away sorting Max's pick-up, I'll check in the outside area to see if the educator-to-children ratio is maintained |
b. Describe your response to Pams request to pick up Max and detail the steps you will take to ensure Max is collected from the service safely. (25-50 words)
I'd like Pam to give me some time to confirm because I wasn't aware she'd be picking up Max. I'd then look through the files to see if Pam is on the list of those who have been authorised to pick her up. If not, I'd consult with the director before contacting the parent to confirm. I'll safely give Max to Pam once the Parents confirm. |
Yes, the procedure is correct but remember to check Pams ID. If shes on the list in the enrolment form, Max can be released.
- Max is sitting quietly inside, and you go over to him. You notice that he is breathing heavily, his face looks swollen, and he has a rash on his neck. Many children have arrived at the service in the last hour, and you notice an opened muesli bar in front of the lockers.
Identify what these symptoms are most likely indicating
Max is having an Anaphylaxis reaction. |
Identify the staffing qualifications listed in the Education and Care Services National Regulations* that are required to assist in the management of children with anaphylaxis
Staff with current approved qualifications must be always on duty and ready instantly in the event of an emergency. One or more of the qualifications may be held by a single employee. |
- Detail what the Education and Care Services Regulations require regarding reporting of an allergic reaction (20 50 words)
If an allergic response requires medication, the approved provider, nominated supervisor of the education and care service, or the family day care educator must notify the parents as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours. They must also provide a report on the incident, injury, trauma, and illness within 24 hours of the occurrence. |
Max should be laid flat on the floor; if breathing is difficult, he can sit, but he should not be moved. Ascertain that no other youngsters are in the vicinity. Request help and have the educator gather the action plan as well as the auto injector. Administer the EpiPen according to the action plan. Inform the parents by dialling 000. Using the epi pen, jot down the details. If necessary, repeat the EpiPen injection after 5 minutes. It's time to start CRP. Inform the ambulance crew of the procedure that was used. |
Correct, an educator should travel with Max to the hospital
Maxs required medication as stated on his allergy management action plan is adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen). Detail the steps required to administer this medication to Max.
Place Max on the floor. Remove the blue safety release by wrapping your fist around the epi pen. Place the orange end on the outer mid-thigh area while keeping the leg still (with or without clothing). Hold the device in place for 3 seconds after hearing a click or feeling the prick. Remove the EpiPen and record the time it was used on the device. Give the EpiPen to the ambulance crew. |
Identify three strategies to minimise the risk of future anaphylactic reactions, include minimising the risk at:
arrival time and
(50 -100 words)
1. Post a sign at the drop-off location noting that the centre is "nut aware" and "nut free, 2. Food, container, and utensil sharing should not be permitted. |
- Describe the signs/symptoms and key characteristics of two other types of allergies children may present within a service (30-50 words for each sign/ symptom and characteristic)
Allergy name |
Signs, symptoms and characteristics of the allergy |
High hay
Sneezing, itchy nose & eyes, swollen eyes
Red hives all over the body
During outdoor play you notice a friend of Maxs, Pia, sitting quietly. When you go over to her Pia appears to be short of breath and you can hear a whistling sound as she is breathing. You ask her what is wrong, and she says she cant breathe properly, and her chest is sore.
Identify what these symptoms are most likely indicating.
Pia is most likely suffering from a respiratory problem. Her breathing is wheezing, and she is short of breath, all of which are classic signs of an impending asthma attack |
If you believed Pia was having an asthma attack, describe how you will immediately respond to Pia:
listing all steps, you would carry out
identifying the document, you would refer to
who you would communicate with
(50 100 words)
Pia has been prescribed Ventolin (as detailed in her asthma management plan) that can be provided during an asthma attack. Based on
Asthma Management Guidelines explain the steps you would take to safely administer Ventolin to Pia asthma management guidelines including the use of a spacer.
(50 100 words)
Pia must be made to sit up straight. Keep your cool and don't leave her alone. Assemble the spacer and give the puffer a good shake. Place one puff in the spacer. From the spacer, take four breaths. Rep till you've taken four (blue/grey) puffs. If there is no improvement after 4 minutes, give 4 more separate puffs of blue/grey as a relief. If the situation does not improve, dial 000 right away. |
put the mouthpiece between teeth and seal lips around it, then you can fire 1 puffer into the spacer
- List three common asthma triggers. (25-50 words)
1. Cold and flu or any other virus of the respiratory which makes breathing difficult 2. Exercise of strenuous activity which results in an extra effort to breath 3. High level of pollutants, dust & pollen in the air |
All correctly identified
- According to the Education and Care Services National Regulations*,
if a child is enrolled in an education and care service with an allergy or medical condition:
what policy must the service provide families with and?
what document/plan must a family provide to the service
1.The service would provide the family with a policy of management of the medical condition and a risk minimisation plan developed together with the family. 2.The family would provide a medical management plan for children with a specific health care need |
It seems you have misunderstood this question, Preeti. You need to tell me exactly how these documents are called. Information is available at TAFE Learning Resource CHCECE002 Topic 2 Pages 22 & 25.
Please resubmit
- Max is in the bathroom. He needs to go to the toilet but still needs assistance to be able to complete all of the steps. He is wearing jeans and a belt today and he is not able to undo the belt on his own. Max is not able to undress quickly enough, and he wets his pants.
- Provide a short transcript of a conversation you might have with Max about health and hygiene, that includes (or focuses on) handwashing and using the toilet (75-125 words)
Oh Max, you had a minor mishap. It's all right. However, you came close to making it to the bathroom on your own. Let's get you changed and dressed in some dry clothes now. Also, before walking out of the bathroom, let's wash our hands to ensure we don't carry germs with us. After you've finished, it's critical that you wash and dry your hands. Do you have any idea why? After using the restroom, we wash our hands to assist prevent us from transporting the germ out of the bathroom and becoming ill, as well as infecting others. Isn't it true that no one enjoys being sick? I can assist you in washing your hands; let us do it properly. |
Yes, modelling is an effective strategy
- Describe how you would respect his privacy? (50 100 words)
I'd make sure Max is in a place where he can undress comfortably. I'll also walk him through the process step by step, so he understands what I'm doing, and I'll make changes if anything makes him uncomfortable. |
Sure, you may remain at the door to supervise while Max gets changed by himself
- Detail two suggestions you could make to Maxs mum about suitable clothing needs for Max as he learns to comfortably and safely use the toilet. (20 30 words)
1. I would advise Max to wear clothing that he can remove without assistance, such as elastic waisted pants 2. Provide an environment that will help him practise this self-help skill |
Could you please add 1 more suggestion, Preeti? Please resubmit
- a. Identify what equipment and resources you would need to clean up the area after Max has left the bathroom and to control infection according to the services policies and procedures? (30-60 words)
To avoid cross-contamination, clean up the spill using a bathroom mop rather than a kitchen mop. Make sure the area is clean and sanitary by using cleaners and sanitizers Wearing gloves, place wet/soiled garments into a plastic bag as soon as possible. |
- According to National WHS Authority, Safe Work Australia what is the definition of a hazard? (20-30 words)
A circumstance or object that has the potential to do harm to a person. When exposed to a hazard, there is a chance of harm (death, injury, or sickness). Controlling the risk. Taking steps to remove or reduce health and safety concerns as much as possible, and if it isn't possible, minimising the risks as much as possible. |
- Discuss your duty of care and rights and responsibilities as a worker regarding work health and safety (25-50 words)
As an individual, it is my job to be aware of and examine the surroundings for any potential harm to children, educators, and visitors. It is also my obligation to safeguard the safety of the environment. As a person, I am entitled to the same level of care to guarantee my safety. |
- Identify your state/ territory WHS authority and provide their website URL and contact details below
State/ Territory WHS Authority |
SafeWork NSW |
Website URL and contact details |
- Identify two common hazardous manual tasks you would undertake as an educator in an early childhood education and care service and one step you can take as an employee for each hazard to minimise the risk (20-30 words for each risk)
Hazardous manual task |
Minimise the risk |
1. Lifting a kid to change his or her diaper and placing him or her on a nappy station
You can advise the child to step up onto the stool and climb the nappy station to prevent lifting excessive weight and harming your back.
2. Getting large outdoor play equipment up and down
It is preferable to have another educator assist you in completing the work.
- For the five items complete a risk analysis to identify potential hazards for children, how to minimise the risk and the workplace procedures for reporting hazards, including who to report to (20-30 words for each risk and reporting procedure)
I would immediately report it to the manager who is in charge of ensuring all these hazards should be eliminated.
You have correctly identified some of the hazards and risk minimisation strategies. Could you please add the reporting procedure? if you find any issue with the equipment, who will you inform about this at the centre?
HLTWHS001 Topic 1 and CHCECE002 Topic 3 in the TAFE learning resources have information on this.
Please resubmit
- In the event of an incident or injury to an educator whilst working in an education and care service detail:
- the immediate steps you would take to manage this incident or injury
- the workplace procedure for identifying and reporting the incident or injury, including who you would report to
- the documentation you would complete
(50-100 words)
a. administers first aid and ensure that the worker is properly cared for. If necessary, call an ambulance. b. notifies another member of staff about the incident and follow protocol. c. reports the incident to the centre director; and d. complete the incident/accident report form. |
- a. Signage is important in services to maintain a safe environment. Explain what the following nine signs below mean.
(20 words for each explanation)
Sign |
Explanation |
When a hazard or dangerous state is likely to be life threatening, danger signs are displayed. Hazardous chemicals are kept here.
Fire Extinguisher Signs are used to indicate where a single or many fire extinguishers are located.
For visibility, they are usually located 2 metres above the floor level or next to the fire extinguisher. |
These show where fire alarms and firefighting equipment are located. We can find fire blanket exactly at this place. What exactly do you find here? Please resubmit |
Gloves are mandatory indicators that educate educators about the personal protection equipment (PPE) that is required in specific situations. Gloves are essential signs that teach instructors about protocol and remind them to wear the proper gear. Yes, wear gloves |
To be SunSmart and safe, make sure you have the correct gear. Wear suitable clothing, sunscreen, a hat, stay in the shade if feasible, and use shades if necessary.
The Biohazard Alert the Sharps Receptacle sign is used to signal danger or a potentially dangerous situation. Although not life-threatening, it can result in injury. It indicates sharps are contained here |
Division 1.1 explosives pose a threat of a large-scale explosion. Black powder, nitro-glycerine (desensitised), dynamite, most varieties of torpedoes, and mercury fulminate are just a few examples. |
Class 2 Flammable Gases are stored or contained within a facility, vehicle, or container, for example. Gases that are ignitable at 20 C and a standard temperature of 101.3 kPa when in a mixture of 13 percent or less by volume in air are classified as Class 2, Division 2.1 Flammable Gases. |
Hazardous goods Diamond signs are warning signs that are placed in areas where hazardous materials are carried or kept. A radioactive symbol appears in the upper half of this class 7 radioactive indication. Radioactive materials are stored nearby |
b. Education and care services are able to provide educational information to families of young children related to safety in the home environment.
- label the pictures below
- explain the likely location of these items in a home
- explain how to maintain these to minimise fire injury and prevent fatality.
(30-40 words for location and how to maintain)
- Using the Fire and Rescue NSW Government site as a reference,
1. Electrical appliances and faults cause almost 40% of home fires yes, for instance if they are not maintained |
2. The most prevalent causes of fire are heaters, cigarettes, and candles. All the mentioned things if used in a careless manner contributes to fire injuries. |
3. Throwing burning or hot items into the rubbish. |
What are the behaviours?
Please look at the following page that identifies causes of common home fires: and identify 2 more causes. Please resubmit
b. Identify three high-risk groups of people who are more vulnerable to injury or death as a result of fires.
2. Adults over 65 years |
3. people with disability including reduced mobility, cognitive impairment, hearing loss or blindness |