HEM707 Quantitative Assessment Briefing
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Please write full answers to the following questions related to this paper:
- Explain and justify the design of this study.
- From Table 1, give a full account of the following data:
- Age data
- Time from symptom onset to randomization
- From Table 2, give a full account of the data under the heading Recovery for the overall group. Please include all three rows of data in your answer.
- From Figure 3, please give a full account of the data for geographical region. Please include an explanation of how you have interpreted the figure.
- This paper doesnt give details of the inferential analysis used. Using the stats decision chart that I gave you in class, which of these tests would be most appropriate to look for differences between the Remdesivir and placebo groups, and why?
Your answers should not exceed 1500 words in total and you do not need to use references in your answers. This is not an essay so you dont need an introduction or a conclusion. Short factual answers are fine.
The focus of this assessment is your understanding of this research and interpretation of the data presented in this paper. Make sure that you dont misuse technical terms, precision in the use of language is important to show that you understand the concepts of research and data analysis. Please use your own words so that you demonstrate your understanding of these concepts please note that your work will be checked for plagiarism.