HI5030 Systems Analysis And Design Assessment
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The purpose of the group system analysis and design project is to demonstrate students ability to apply the knowledge learned in this course to a real-world project.
Topics Suggestions
- The system analysis and design project must be realistic and it will be done using techniques covered in this course. The list of topics suggested for this project is as follows:
- Internet shopping sites (clothing, shoes, books, music, or others)
- Local real estate agency system
- Warehouse management system
- Insurance purchase system (life, medical, homeowner, or others)
- Library circulation system
- Bank home loan management system
- Stockbroker trading system
- Airline booking management system
- Hospital system
- System for a toll road operator
- The above list is meant to be suggestive and if you have an idea about a specific topic, please consult with me early to determine if it is suitable for the course.
Project Deliverables
The project requires students to perform two phases: (a) requirements analysis, (b) system and database design.
Title page (project name, author, and date)
Phase 1: Requirement analysis (Due Date Week 7)
- Problem definition
- Issues
- Objectives
- Requirements
- Constraints
- Description of the proposed system
- Logical model design
- Data flow diagrams
Context diagram/Diagram 0/Diagram 1
[Diagram 1 is optional]
Descriptions of processes in each diagram - Descriptions of outputs/inputs/performance/security or controls
- Data flow diagrams
- Specific requirements, if any (interface, operational, resource, performance, etc.)
Phase 2: System and database design (Physical model design) (Due Date Week 11)
A. User interface
Design an overall user interface consisting of screens, commands, controls, and features to enable users to use the system.
- How data will be input to the system?
- The physical layout for each input
- The input design and procedures
- How data will be output from the system?
- The physical layout for each output
- The output design and procedures
B. Object Oriented Modelling
- Class diagram
- Activity diagrams
- Sequence diagrams
- State chart diagram
C. Data design
Develop a physical plan for data organization, storage, updating, and retrieval.
- Database design
- Database tables with their attributes should be presented (however their implementations are not required)
- Primary key(s) should be identified in each table, if any
- Three steps of normalization should be included.
- Entity-relationship diagrams
- Data file storage and access
D. System architecture
Determine the architecture of the system as Web-based interface, client/server architecture, Internet/Intranet interface, network configuration, etc.